It’s 10 days until my 11th live event.  ELEVEN!!!  I remember the first time I held my live event!  I was so friggin scared!
Three months previously, I decided I wanted to shift my business to attract more clients. I knew I had to stop doing the same old things and expect different results.  I knew I needed to do something different to generate more revenue. 
My coach suggested that I host my own large, live event.  I was shocked!  I didn’t know how to host a live event but it certainly would be something different. So I took a giant leap!  I had 3 months to put together an event, the content, the marketing and get butts in seats! And I did it! It wasn’t perfect but it was my first and I learned from my mistakes!
However if I had stopped to get all my ducks in a row, to have everything perfect, I never would have launched my events.  I never would have made a colossal SHIFT in my business.  I never would have skyrocketed over the 6-figure income level.
Are you waiting to get all your ducks in a row before you do something different to SHIFT your business?  Are you procrastinating about doing the things that truly MAKE money in your business or as I call them – revenue –generating activities?

  • Are you picking up the phone and calling prospects?
  • Are you sending out follow up emails after networking?
  • Are you going regularly to networking events? 


  • Are you tweaking the color on your website?
  • Are you trying to create the perfect template & header for your mail chimp?
  • Are you creating another workshop? 

What could you do to SHIFT your business to the next level?

  • Join a mastermind
  • Host an event
  • Be a sponsor at an event
  • Speak at a networking group
  • Join a networking group

Let me know what you’ve been thinking of doing but are SCARED like hell to do……  
Here’s ONE thing you can do …. I promise it won’t be scary but it certainly will help you network and learn how to attract high-revenue clients!!!  Attend SHIFT-the marketing event whether it’s in Montreal, Kingston or Ottawa!
Get your tickets here TODAY before the Early Bird pricing disappears!
If you’ve ever attended one of my event you know that they are filled with great content, great people and great strategies to take home & implement!  If you haven’t attended one of my events – you’ve been missing out!!!
Do yourself a favor, invite a friend, buy a ticket …. Go here.    Stop the insanity!  Do something different!!!
5 Powerful Ways Sponsorship can SHIFT your business –
Same Sh*t; Different Day –
Imagine with all your mind
Believe with all your heart
Achieve with all your might!

P.S.   GOT YOUR TICKETS TO SHIFT-The marketing event yet?  You won’t want to miss this amazing, interactive day of networking, learning & fun!!!  Click here

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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