….I’m not good enough
….I couldn’t possibly charge that amount for my services
….I don’t like to SELL because that means being pushy
….I don’t want to bother customers with follow up
….I don’t need to be seen; I can just sit behind my computer
….I don’t deserve to make that kind of money
….No one in my family ever made that kind of money.

Any of the above resonate? Has your inner voice ever said anything similar?

Mine sure has!!!!  I call that inner voice my itty bitty shitty committee!  Some of you might know it better as the inner critic or the voice of your mother (or father).

But the fact is that when you listen to that inner voice, either consciously or unconsciously it has a way of affecting your business decisions – and that it’s killing your profits in at least 2 ways!

The first is VISIBILITY.  Whether you call it visibility or marketing it’s really the same thing.  And it might show up like this.  You might be reluctant to:

  • Put your picture front and center on your website, business cards, etc.
  • Be visible at networking events
  • Be uncomfortable and do more public speaking (live or virtually).
  • Follow up after networking

People do business with those they Know-Like-Trust (KLT factor).  One of the best ways to increase the KLT factor is to be seen as the VISIBLE EXPERT in your industry!  If you aren’t visible; you aren’t top of mind!  When you aren’t top of mind, your prospects are unlikely to purchase from you!

The second way that self-doubt is killing your profits is your PRICING!  How much we charge for our services has a lot to do with our own self-worth.  (Read that sentence again!!!)  Yup!!!  And truth be told – this week I had my own dose of reality and realized I was doubting my own pricing (just so you know that no one is safe from the itty bitty shitty committee!).

I’d like to share an example from a client who I met at one of my live SHIFT events.  She came up on stage for some live coaching.  She explained that she had no time for marketing and wasn’t making enough money EVEN THOUGH her agenda was full of clients. OMG – something needed to change!

When we started working together, I suggested that she repackage her services and double her fees!  She didn’t believe that her clients would pay the new amount!  After doing some inner self-belief work, she immediately sold 5 of her new packages and within 2 months doubled her revenue so that she could afford to reduce her working hours by one full day!!!  Three months later, she increased her fees again!

That’s the kind of results I want for you!  More profit – less work!  
It is possible!

If you would like more profits – less work in your business; if it’s something you’d like to learn about, then here’s my invitation to attend upcoming SHIFT-the money event in Ottawa, September 21. We are going to spend the WHOLE day talking about profits! More info here.

Tickets for SHIFT are $197 for the day including lunch, learning & networking, HOWEVER if you want a ticket for just $20 – then email me at diana@dianalidstone.com and tell me the name of my dog!  I’ll send you a discount code so that you can have this FULL day of strategic & mindset learning as well as lunch & networking for the stupid amazing investment of only $20!

Don’t let your itty bitty shitty committee kill your profits!

This week — BE UNSTOPPABLE because you are worth it!


Ready to create a more profit and less work? We can help!

1. Get on the waitlist for Achiever’s Club. This is where we design predictably profitable businesses and a real strategy to generate consistent clients and cashflow without all the overwhelm and burnout (even if you’re a mother or have a full-time job).  Get on the waitlist here!

2. Apply for a BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH SESSION.  Its often so difficult to look at our own businesses with an objective eye and figure out what needs to change to get us to the next level.  If you’d like to spend 20 minutes with me to identify 5 areas that might be holding you back from reaching the level of success that you want, then let’s do it!  No pressure – just a chat to look at your current business model.  Click here to apply!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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