What a gorgeous weekend here in the Thousand Islands!  And like me, I’m sure many of you spent time outdoors and in your gardens! 

Sunday morning, I was raking my back garden and quickly got tired …. So, I walked into the woods to sit on this huge rock outcrop. Sitting there, looking around I noticed how the daffodils were about to blossom.

I began thinking about the hard work that those daffodils had to push through the leaves each spring… to me they are symbols of spring, of hope and inspiration.

“Where flowers bloom so does hope.” — Lady Bird Johnson

They signify that winter has finally ended with its cold and stormy days. They signify that warmer weather and beauty is just around the corner.  They gave me hope.

Today’s blog isn’t about business or marketing.  It’s about what will keep you going – what will inspire you?  What will motivate you?

I know that for many of you this is a difficult time. We are all surrounded by uncertainty. Perhaps you are struggling in your business (or there perhaps it’s a difficult time in your personal life).

But ….. just like those daffodils inspired me….

My intention is to inspire you to have hope!

To be inspired to know that yes there are times when building your business is NOT easy…. And the hope to know that you can achieve success.

My intention is to inspire you to shine brightly so that you are an inspiration to someone else!

Find your inspiration and let me know what it is!


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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