Maybe you’re not actually spending money on your marketing in terms of dollars for paid ads, but I bet you are spending time … and time is money!

So, what, and how are you spending when it comes to marketing?

  • Are you paying a social media agency/person to do your social media posts? (money)
  • Are you strategizing, designing and doing these posts yourself? (time)
  • Are you the one searching for podcasts to be a guest on (time) or is your assistant doing this for you (money)?
  • Are you paying someone to create content for you? (money)
  • Are you creating your own unique content? (time)

I’m not saying one way is better than the other but…

Are you getting a return on your investment?

I don’t mean vanity metrics such as likes, followers, comments, I MEAN REAL METRICS like actual clients!!

The only measure of your marketing efforts is whether it pays off in signed, paying clients.

So how is yours paying off?  Or are you gambling with your time and money?

Do you know which marketing efforts bring you paying clients?

Do you have specific and measurable goals for each of your marketing efforts?

  • Are you spending way too much time on those efforts for the number of clients it brings you? Or should you consider another form of leveraged marketing?
  • Are those efforts bringing you the right kinds of clients? Or is your pipeline filled with not so perfect clients who gobble up your time and energy?
  • Are you attending endless hours networking and getting just the occasional client?
  • Did you spend tons of money on a new website that brings you NO clients?
  • Are you creating endless content (for social media, podcast, etc) that no one reads or listens to? And that doesn’t bring you clients?
  • Or are you just hoping that clients will find you without putting yourself out there??

It’s time to FOCUS on the REAL revenue-generating activities!

When I work with my clients, we drill down and get very specific to create their customized AUTHORITY VISIBILITY BLUEPRINT so that they know:

  • Where to find their perfect clients.
  • What marketing efforts pay off best for THEM (not the gurus).
  • What type of planning they need to do to increase not just their visibility but to be seen as the undeniable authority in their industry.
  • What type of content they need to create and how to deliver it and repurpose it confidently and strategically.

So how is your marketing working?

Could you let go of some activities and save time and money?

Could you double down on some of your activities and get a better return on your investment?

I’d love to help you with that!

Keep watch for upcoming workshop – Uncover Hidden Profits & Time workshop September 20, 21, 22 at 11:30 – 1:00 ET (registration page coming soon)



P.S. You might also want to read: How to avoid costly marketing errors and make every dollar count

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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