There’s no doubt that after almost 40 years of being a business owner, and as an entrepreneur, I’ve made a ton of mistakes!

Some cost me time.

Others cost me money (and lots of it).

Others cost me relationships.

And even others cost me my pride.

But the one that I truly wished that I had solved sooner… was how to differentiate my business from others in my industry so that I was the sought-after expert – The Undeniable Authority.

I only have to look back at my own experiences which I shared in Episode 66 here. You see my mistakes and my experiences are your benefits! You don’t have to be wasting as much time or $$$ or relationships or pride as I did!! You can learn from my mistakes!

For the last 4 weeks on my podcast, I’ve been talking about niching down… becoming that specialist and I’ve hinted that being a specialist is just ONE of 7 ways that I teach my clients to differentiate themselves in the marketplace because BRAND DIFFERENTIATORS allow you to:

  • Stand out above all the noise
  • Differentiate from the competition
  • Be perceived as the MUST hire

(You can download a pdf of these 7 Brand Differentiators here)

These 7 Brand Differentiators are the FOUNDATION you need so you can have:

  1. Predictable revenue
  2. High-paying dream clients ($1k+)
  3. Raving fans and client referrals

You see, it took me years to figure out these Brand Differentiators and actually apply them myself and create a proven equation that works to help my clients just like you become The Undeniable Authority in their industry – over and over again! I don’t want it to cost you the time, money and relationships that it cost me in the past.

You have an opportunity to change everything in your business.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Building a brand that stands out from the sea of sameness…
  • Building a foundation so you can consistently attract high-paying clients
  • Positioning your business as the go-to expert
  • Creating a marketing plan that suits you and your dream client

I’m inviting you to join me and a few other dedicated business owners in my 12-week group program entitled Differentiate to Grow which starts this Wednesday.

I’m not going to dive into all the details here because if you’re truly interested in growing and scaling your business, you’ll read it all here.

I know you want to make a bigger difference in the world and in order to do that your prospects need to notice you, know you, and then choose you!

In Differentiate to Grow, you’ll build your Authority Visibility Blueprint so you can do just that!

I’d love to see you there!


P.S. If you have questions about whether this program is right for you and would like to book a call with me, I’ve opened up my calendar so here’s the link!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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