Suddenly – here we are in September!!! Whether you are welcoming the fact that the kids are back in school or it’s the cooler weather or the Fall colours, it’s all a sign that, as business owners, we are closing in on the end of the year. The last 90 days of 2024 are approaching fast!!!
What that means is …. it’s time to plan your next 90 days!!
After hosting over 20+ such planning days, I’ve watched how entrepreneurs approach planning and goal setting.
They often show up with a long list of goals they want to accomplish or things they want to create. And they are all exciting things such as:
- Launch their new website
- Design, market and launch a new program
- Host their first live event or retreat
- Re-launch their podcast or video show
And while all of these goals are super exciting (and even inspiring) and they have the potential to grow your business…
You’re making one massive mistake in your plan because when you have a list of NEW things to accomplish or create…
You’re always starting over from scratch.
And that’s a big problem because we all have big goals that we want to achieve, but we can’t just put our business on pause for 3-6 months to work on special projects.
Our businesses need to consistently generate sales.
And if our goal is to grow our business profit, we need systems that we can rinse and repeat again and again…and again so that the sales and clients keep coming in.
Which means our business needs systems to consistently captivate, engage, cultivate, convert and WOW paying clients while we pursue new exciting goals.
To avoid the #1 planning mistake, we want to ensure that our businesses have systems in place so you can BOTH grow your business and go after new projects.
That’s where the Work Less PROFIT More business freedom framework is different than any other approach to planning your business!

1. Pre-Planning Day Prep: This is the opportunity to realign your vision with your definition of success so that we know that both your short-term and long-term goals are headed in the right direction for you, your business and your life!
2. Sales Growth Engine: This is where you ensure that you have a crystal clear, rinse-and-repeat strategy that converts potential clients into paying clients every single month!
3. Quarterly Business Freedom Planning Process: At the planning day, you’ll walk through our step-by-step process to prioritize your new goals while continuing to build your Sales Growth Engine.
4. Level Up Your Own CEO Leadership: You’ll get client-proven tools to help you stay accountable to your plan and learn how to catch issues before they become critical emergencies!
Whether you join me here at the Farm (my favourite) or virtually on September 16th, you’ll be in a room of inspiring business owners. Together we will support you in finally building real momentum in your business (and avoid the #1 planning mistake)!
Register now using code SAVE100 just because you’ve read this email!
You can do this!
P.S. WANT TO SAVE 28+ hours per week, keep your business running and not lose your sanity? In this week’s episode of Work Less PROFIT More business podcast, the last week of the Ultimate Focus & Freedom Training, I summarize the total hours saved if you implement the actions of the last 4 weeks! Then I share the 7 step sequence that will help you put into practice the strategies without losing your sanity!
Be sure to listen, share and subscribe here!