
Bootcamp – Niche Down, Profit Up


Free bootcamp – February 15, 16, 17

So you can experience more JPF in 2023 – joy, profit, free time!



ATTRACT MORE Joy, Profit and Free time by going all in on ONE THING!!

This bootcamp is perfect for you if…

  • you’re tired of spending money on marketing and not getting any leads?  or the perfect-fit clients?
  • you don’t know where to start looking for your dream clients (champagne clients)
  • You get confused and overwhelmed just thinking about marketing or writing marketing materials

You aren’t alone!!  I see it everyday.  I see it with small businesses.  I see it with multi-million dollar businesses.

Business owners like you are experts at what they do but they get lost, overwhelmed & confused when it comes to marketing themselves!!  I’ve heard it for the last 40 years during my conversations with entrepreneurs.

If I had to choose only ONE thing to share with business founders and owners;

  • the ONE thing that would give them the best ROI
  • the ONE thing that would shift their business significantly giving them more joy, profit, free time…….
  • It would be to get super duper clear on your niche; and then to niche down even more!

In this 3-lunch hour bootcamp, you’ll:

  • get clear on your targeted speciality that will allow you to easily shift your messaging and content to attract your dream client
  • the secret to taking everything that you’re good at doing and distilling it into one specific narrow field of expertise that will have people paying you MORE to buy it
  • have a clear and consistent roadmap of how to spend your marketing dollars from her one end

Three consecutive days – 12 Noon ET to 1:30 pm ET

The day before the bootcamp, you’ll be sent the workbook, and the zoom address!

I’ve designed this bootcamp specifically to help you:

  • massively increase the results that you are getting with your marketing time & dollars
  • simplify and streamline your marketing so you can ditch the overwhelm & confusion
  • attract clients effortlessly without chasing them
  • confidently know what you’re supposed to be doing every single day
  • free up more free time for the things you love doing


If you’re read this far, you might be asking yourself a couple of common questions:

  1.  Isn’t this pigeon-holing myself?
  2. Aren’t I leaving money on the table?
  3. Won’t I get bored?

Truth is…. I’ll demonstrate the power of micro-niching to you and how it actually accelerates your revenue and authority so you can go from humdrum sales to breaking sales records.  And no – you won’t get bored.. just much more profitable!

REGISTER TODAY…. your joy, profit and free time will thank you!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

After you register you'll receive an email with the zoom link and any handouts.

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