Bigger is better.

Supersize me.

Bigger audience.

Bigger launches.

It seems everywhere we go – everyone is talking about BIGGER.

Well – I’m going to challenge your thinking on that today!

Instead of thinking about attracting MORE clients.

Instead of thinking about working MORE hours.

Let’s think about BETTER not bigger! Let’s think smaller niche!

In this week’s podcast episode 65 (here), I debunk 5 niching down myths in the third part of this theme and today at NOON ET, I go live in Niche Down Profit Up bootcamp (still time to get some guidance & support – register here)

However, I want to share a conversation I had with a financial advisor recently about her experience niching down.

Financial advisors, like many other professionals such as lawyers, accountants, and even veterinarians go to school for certifications to be able to practice their expertise. However, rarely do they get any real BUSINESS training, let alone learn about marketing, never mind niching down.

Recently on a zoom Virtual Coffee, I was chatting with a long-time business acquaintance. She and I had met several years ago at one of my live events and we were literally catching up. After the usual talk about family and Covid, we got down to business.

I had noticed some changes to her business recently on social media and I congratulated her on niching down. Her words…… “I knew it was the right thing but it was so F*ckin scary”!

You see if you feel that niching down is scary… you aren’t alone.

Everyone feels that way initially. 

Even myself (more on this in the coming weeks as I further niche down in my business).

One last thought –

Niching down is just ONE of the 7 ways to differentiate your business so you can go from Unknown Expert to Undeniable Authority!


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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