In Canada, we’ve just celebrated the traditional Victoria Day weekend which marks the start of the ‘gardening season’.  Here at the farm,  I’ve been attempting to clean up the gardens. Unfortunately, it seems that they weren’t tended to last summer; the grass has grown up, shrubs are overgrown and the invasive perennials have taken over! Basically, they are a freakin’ mess and it seems that they will require a lot of future maintenance (time).

One day last week, I went back to our former property (the new owners haven’t moved in yet) and I looked at the gardens there. It was May long weekend, and the gardens hadn’t been tended, and yet they were blooming and beautiful. I spent 30 minutes and raked out the pinecones and branches! Voila – I was done. No mess and not a lot of maintenance.

I realized there was just a huge difference between the two gardens. One I had intentionally planted to be simple and require little maintenance. The other, the farm gardens, may have been planted intentionally but low maintenance wasn’t the key driver.

Which led me to think…. Over the winter, I’m going to plan and create a new layout for the farm gardens with low maintenance as a priority. I’ll measure the area; take note of the sun exposure; make a list of plants I love; and draw up a plan to be executed next summer.

Are you seeing the similarities to business?

Some businesses are built with intention. But what is the intention?

  • To keep things simple?
  • To make a profit?
  • To serve whom?
  • To take up vast amounts of your time and energy?

So let me ask you – What was your intention when you started your business?

Building a business with intention (or creating a garden with intention) both require PLANNING!

That’s why every 90-days, I gather savvy business owners together so they can build their businesses with intention. It’s creating an ACTIONABLE plan – once they know exactly what to do each day, week, and month to bring them their desired business!

Won’t you join us? Sign up for my Quarterly Business Freedom Planning Day here.

Build your business with intention and reap the rewards!

BTW – This week on the Work Less PROFIT More podcast, I’m launching a new 3-part podcast series entitled The Path to Predictable Profits – a free training on how to build your business with intention! Don’t forget to download the workbook here.

Be sure to listen, share and subscribe here!


P.S. There are several other ways that gardening is like building your business – read my previous article here.


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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