I hear almost daily that small business owners want a strategy to attract more clients! They work hard on their marketing but still aren’t getting all the clients that they want. Sound familiar?
Very often, they just need a little tweak here and there to make a huge difference. One of those tweaks is the missing one link between their marketing and their sales — FOLLOW-UP.
There’s an old saying that Fortune is in the Follow-up; in fact, it was the first business strategy book I read! And it’s true!
Imagine you want to fill a bucket with water. You turn on the tap but even after waiting for quite some time, the bucket doesn’t fill. You realize it has holes in it and the water is leaking out!
Well marketing is turning on the tap – it’s your time, and energy that you’re putting into your marketing to generate leads (prospects) but the leads are leaking out of your business. You need to plug up the holes and catch those leads!
Here’s a simple way to plug those holes and capture more leads (or at least convert them into paying clients) especially if you’re attending networking events and bringing home tons of business cards! I challenge you to create your OWN Follow-up System; yes, system. I even challenge you to write out your system; follow it step by step; and then tweak it so that it works consistently!
STEP 1 Enter prospects into a database – create a system
Online CRM or 3 x 5 index cards or spreadsheet
STEP 2 Connect on social media
STEP 3 Send a warm email – Nice to have met you (no selling)
STEP 4 Send a personal written note (no selling)
STEP 5 Mail them a print newsletter, post card or invitation – snail mail!
Establishes trust, goodwill
Doesn’t get lost in junk/spam folder
STEP 6 Make a phone call
Remind them who you are; why
Ask for coffee date to learn more
How can you help them find more clients?
STEP 7 INVITE them to join your mailing list; opt-in or lead magnet
BONUS Add them to birthday card campaign or holiday list!
Here’s a little gift for you …. I’ve put some extra tips & hints about Follow-Up into a checklist which you can download here.
Awesome! Now you have ONE way to increase your marketing conversion and to get more clients!!! Fortune truly is in the follow-up!
This week….. BE UNSTOPPABLE…. because you are worth it!
To get the most from your networking time; here’s more info…..
7 Deadly Sins of Follow-up – here
If your marketing isn’t bringing you clients, why? (here)
STOP THE HUSTLE: Use Your Entrepreneurial DNA (here)
PSSSSS. If you’d like some help to ensure that your marketing is converting into clients, I’d invite you to book a Business Breakthrough Session with me here! I’m now booking into early December as I’m currently in Australia on vacation BUT don’t delay; book your session now!!! It’s the greatest gift you’ll give your business!