Summertime is the time to get outside and enjoy life.
Here are some tips to help you do that!
The more time you can save; the more efficient you get with your productivity; you’ll feel less stress.
- Always carry a notebook with you for quick notes and ideas that pop up. Have this notebook in your purse and by your bedside as well because we know that sometimes our BEST ideas come just before we go to sleep. (I recently heard this notebook referred to as “The Magic Notebook”). When you have all your notes and ‘To-Do’s” in one place, you’ll be less likely to misplace them (& waste less time looking for them).
- Each morning take your list of To-Do’s from your notebook, and tackle those that will take 10 minutes or less (and then cross them off your list). If you have To-Do’s that will take more than 10 minutes, they are projects. List them in your Task Manager to do later!
- Limit your distractions because we know that entrepreneurs are creative types and let’s admit it, there are tons of distractions in our lives. Identify what easily distracts you (letting the dog out to chase a squirrel; doing laundry, etc.) Set your timer if you tend to fall down the dark hole of social media for only small bursts.
- Check your phone (and email messages) at set times during the day. Another two tips I constantly use — put your phone on airplane mode and close your email tab on your computer. Set specified times to check them both during the day. I promise the world won’t come to an end if you don’t answer them IMMEDIATELY. Being interrupted by phone & email messages interrupts your flow and productivity by at least 30%!
- Learn your peak hours and conditions. Do you work best in the morning and with a clean desk? After eating or a work out? A quiet or noisy environment. Use your golden times & conditions to increase your productivity.
- Set personal deadlines. You’ll feel that you’ve accomplished more if you set little MICRO goals. Break larger projects into little steps or milestones. (I use this so that I don’t procrastinate on larger projects).
- Set goals and map them out – short term, long term, weekly, month, quarterly. (If you have trouble with this – join me in the Achiever’ Club or Fire Yourself – Act Like a CEO).
- Schedule ALL your activities in google calendar so that you can access it on your phone and computer! You can measure someone’s success by the activities scheduled in their calendars! ( I schedule in my vacations; boating time; exercise and meditation).
- Unplug on a regular basis. When you head out on vacation, do your best to totally unplug. Your body and mind need the time to reboot.
As you are reading this, I’m semi-unplugging for a week as I head out west to be with family and friends. When I head out in early August, I’ll be more unplugged as internet is less accessible out on the water!
Remember, you don’t have to be trapped on your own hamster wheel. After all, I know that you didn’t start your business to be an employee* and to be trapped by your business. I know it’s difficult but if you want to enjoy the money you’re making, one of the skills you have to learn is to do more in less time!
(*I refer to the first stage of growth as ’employee’ and for good reason. If you’d like to learn more about these 4 stages and why business owners struggle to grow, send me an email and I’ll send you the mp3 and download).