If the last couple of years taught us anything, it’s to bulletproof our businesses against all kinds of market upheavals. For most business owners that means we have to make it as profitable as possible and we have to eliminate inefficiencies.
I’m smiling… because I can almost hear you saying…”Ya Ya, of course, Diana. But exactly how do we do that?”
First of all, I know, you’re really, really smart.
You’re an expert.
You started your business to be in service of others.
Today, it’s important to recognize that the marketplace is different than it was 2 years. Everyone – I mean – everyone is online. Your competitors are all online which means that the marketplace is overcrowded!
So not only do you have more competition but you have to future-proof your business. Right?
Here’s the reality……
Your biggest loss of revenue is the customer, prospect, or lead that you don’t know about.
Your biggest loss of revenue is the one you didn’t see.
Your biggest loss of revenue is hidden!
It’s that prospect that went to your website but didn’t stay.
It’s the lead that decided not to hire you that you didn’t even know they were looking for your services.
It’s that potential customer that you have no idea who they are!
Your biggest loss of revenue, profit and time is the customer who went to the competition.
So how do you win business today?
In order to future-proof your business, you have to become the BEST choice to solve their problem – not just another choice.
Not only do you have to be BETTER than all the others but you have to be able to COMMUNICATE why you are the undeniable authority.
In order to win business today, you have to grab their attention!
In order to win business today, you have to build a reputation.
Here’s a proven 5-step strategy to shift from unknown expert to undeniable authority and win business:
- Be super clear on your VISION for your business and build a business model that’s capable of achieving that vision. If you want to scale, not all business models are scalable.
- Build a brand/reputation around being a specialist — on solving ONE big, urgent problem for one niched audience. Yes, I know it seems counterintuitive but believe me, it works!!
- Craft your own flagship intellectual property so that you easily stand out from the competition. Having your own Flagship Framework (like my GROW Equation makes designing & selling offers so much easier).
- Be visible with content that communicates how and why you are the best choice (the Undeniable Authority).
- Continue to tweak and improve your marketing as the market shifts.
And my friends, that’s exactly what we are going to do during Differentiate to GROW ….
I’m going to guide you through those exact 5 proven steps that have worked with lawyers, financial advisors, talent recruitment consultants, HR coaches, podcast production experts, bookkeepers and so many more.

P.S. The program will begin October 12 (not September 28 as the web page may indicate) and will continue into January 2023.
This week – what I do every Monday morning, besides asking you a question!
Sadly, not every business owner is a sought-after expert. In fact too many are what I call the unknown expert and my job is to turn them into profitable leaders or The Undeniable Authority in their field. Here’s the framework for exactly how it’s done!