This past week, a friend and mentor of mine returned from Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery 5-day conference.  We were all eager to have him share what he learned.  Now this individual already owns multiple successful companies and is a self-made millionaire. So what could he learn?

The first words out of his mouth: “I’m not playing big enough”!


So my friends, playing big (or playing small) is all relative to our own current situations!

But could you play bigger?

  • Could you set bigger goals for yourself?
  • Could you focus on bigger goals?

If the answer is YES – congratulations!

Then the next question to ask yourself is… “What’s stopping me from playing bigger?”

A few years ago, I realized that I could play bigger but that I was self-sabotaging my own efforts.

You see – I didn’t BELIEVE in myself. I let self-doubt and my itty bitty shitty committee keep me from letting my light shine so that others could find their way.

That’s why in this week’s episodes of Work Less PROFIT More (here), I share

  • My own self-sabotaging journey
  • Roadblock #7 as outlined in my book, Shift into Rich (download a copy here)
  • My daughter’s journey back to health and what it has to do with your business journey
  • A 4 part exercise to help you quieten your itty bitty shitty committee

Whether you’re earning $5K, $10K or $10 million a month, we can all play a little bigger!

It’s all relative!

It’s all possible!


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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