I’ll confess… I’m not a branding expert but in the last 40 years as an entrepreneur and having invested heavily in my business development, I’ve learned a thing or two from some of the best in the world!

One of those experts is Gerry Foster of Big Brand Formula and Gerry asks:

Is your brand distinct or is it at risk of being extinct?

If you’re brand doesn’t help you achieve the 3 essentials:

  • Attract loyal customers.
  • Grow your position in the market.
  • Make more sales!

Then my guess is that you’re working way too hard and you’re:

  • Constantly hustling to get more clients.
  • Frustrated that your competition seems to be getting more business than you.
  • Constantly chasing sales.

Upleveling your brand is just ONE way that you can significantly grow your business without overworking.

In this week’s episode of the Work Less PROFIT More business podcast, I share G. Foster’s 6-part Big Brand Formula so that you can see the crucial elements of how you can build a big brand that stands out from the crowd; and saves you time by doing the heavy lifting for your sales (Listen here).

Did you listen to parts 1 and 2 of the series?  If not, I suggest, you make a cup of tea or get a glass of wine, find a quiet spot and listen!


BE IN THE KNOW: I’m home….. well read; well fed; and well rested! Watch out – here I come!

WorkLessPROFITMore podcast: This week, the 3rd episode of the Love Your Brand series goes live sharing the 6 critical elements of a brand that shift you from unknown to THE undeniable authority (here).

Know anyone looking for a highly inspiring speaker – that would be me!!
The High Cost of Hustle: Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout and Achieve Sustainable Success!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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