How To Reduce Your Workload- The 7 Step Sequence

Ep. 159 – How To Reduce Your Workload: The 7 Step Sequence

September 10, 2024

Can’t believe that this is the last week of this free 5-part training series on how to get focus and find your freedom without hiring an additional employee!

One thing I know for sure is that when I listen to podcasts like these – great ideas pop into my head and I need a place to record them – rather than little bits of paper scattered all over the place.

Don’t forget to grab your workbook here: so you outline how you’ll implement these strategies.

If you missed the earlier part of this workshop series, you can find them here:

  • Ep 155 – Get Focused: Build your business with purpose
  • Ep 156 – Which activities move the needle?
  • Ep 157 – Free up time: Why it’s Systems BEFORE Team 
  • Ep 158 – Save Time & Sanity: 5 Productivity Strategies 
  • Ep 159 – How to Reduce Your Workload: A 7-Step Sequence

Today – I want to share a couple things with you:

  1. How much time you will actually save if you implement the strategies and tactics I’ve shared with you this week – you’ll be astounded!!
  2. The 9 core pillars you MUST master if you want to grow and scale without hustle and burnout (WLPM Framework)
  3. The exact sequence you’ll need to implement right now and in the future


  • Get back on track?
  • Stay focused on the right activities for your business right now?
  • Eliminate what’s not working?
  • Make a plan for the upcoming 90 days?
  • And have me right along side you to guide you?!

Check out


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About Diana Lidstone

Diana Lidstone coaches entrepreneurs to accelerate growth and increase profits while freeing up more time for the things they love. Best-selling author, speaker, and host of the Work Less, Profit More Business Podcast, Diana transforms frazzled, overworked business owners into profitable, overjoyed CEOs.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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