When we moved to our property almost 9 years ago, I was thrilled to see the thousands of daffodils pop up the first spring. I had no idea how beautiful it could be.

But I soon realized that I couldn’t see any of that beauty from inside my house. I couldn’t see the daffodils from my kitchen window, or my living room, or any room in the house! The only time I could see them was if I walked down to a secluded corner of the property.

I was missing out. 😞

So I decided to move some of them to the front garden where I could see them from the kitchen window; some to the side garden where I could see them when I drove up the driveway; and some to the back garden where I could see them from the deck! Now I could take full advantage of this lovely spring color.

You see planting more daffodils in the same location (in the secluded location) wouldn’t help me appreciate them more often.

So what does this have to do with your business? A lot.

Your business and marketing are a lot like those daffodils. Nobody can take advantage of your beauty/offer if they can’t see you (or hear about you).

Doing more of the same old marketing in the same old place would be like planting more daffodils in that secluded garden – I still wouldn’t be able to appreciate them.

So If you’re anything like me, I’ve asked myself these questions:

  • How do I know where to market?
  • What platform to market?
  • How often do I market?
  • How do I know if my marketing is working?
  • Why isn’t my marketing bringing me the quality of clients I want?
  • Why isn’t my marketing bringing me the quantity of clients I want?
  • and more….

Marketing is really quite simple to understand – we just tend to overcomplicate it.

That’s why in the next two episodes of the Work Less PROFIT More business podcast, I’ll answer all those questions for you! In less than one hour! Consider this your mini-course on the foundational aspects of marketing that have proven time and time again super helpful to my clients.

I promise, your marketing can be simple! And no, more marketing isn’t the answer, just like more daffodils wasn’t the answer for my garden!

Be sure to listen, share and subscribe here!


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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