Earlier this year, I realized that I needed to get out from behind my computer on a daily basis and get outside to go for a walk.  I’m really, really bad at exercising however I KNEW in my heart, it was something I needed to do for self-care.  I also realized that I’m really, really bad at setting self-care goals and achieving them.  I’m one of those people who has great intentions but can’t seem to hold myself accountable.  So my quandary was – how to achieve my goal?

As we all know, setting goals is the easy part; but working towards achieving them is often difficult even if we have a strategy to implement.  WHY is that?  I’ll speak for myself – motivation.

So here are several questions to ask yourself for each goal you set as you prepare for 2019!

1.     Why is this goal important to you?
2.     What will achieving this goal do for your life & business?
3.     What support do you need to achieve this goal?
4.     What training do you need to achieve this goal?
5.     What tools do you need to help you achieve this goal?
6.     What habits do you need to upgrade to achieve this goal?
7.     What systems or process do you need to help you achieve this goal?

So when I asked myself these questions about my goal to get out & walk every day – I realized that although I didn’t think I needed systems or tools – what I did need was something to help me stay accountable!  In fact, I needed a system or a tool for accountability.

With a little brainstorming, I realized that there were probably OTHER entrepreneurs with the same challenges — sitting too much behind their computers with not enough fresh air & exercise!  Voila – The Entrepreneurs Walk Challenge FB group was born!  Every day a group of us post about our walk and keep each other accountable.  I’ve only missed one or two days in my 57 days of walking. (If you’re interested, feel free to join us here).

Having a system or tool in place to hold me accountable has increased by chances of achieving my goal (I’m well on my way to 100 days!).   In fact, the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that you have a 65% of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%.

So as your planning for 2019 – how will you stay accountable? Do you have a system or tool in place so you’ll be 95% more likely to achieve your goal?  What would it be like for you to have your own accountability partner?  Having accountability & follow up mentoring AFTER you’ve created your profit plan for 2019 is right at your finger tips with the CEO Planning Retreat which I’m hosting in January!
I’ll guide you to wear your CEO hat to create your 30-60-90 day plan (in fact you’ll get a CEO hat if you attend the live version!)   And after you’ve created the plan, you’ll connect with other participants and have an accountability partner AND then we’ll get together again in 30 days for more Q&A, follow up and coaching!

If you’d like some help creating that comprehensive CEO plan and wearing your CEO hat, I invite you to our CEO Planning Retreat.  You have the choice of attending live or virtual!  Give yourself and your business an early Holiday Gift — register today here.  I’m super excited to help you create a plan to magnetize MORE clients and create a bigger impact.  You deserve it!

Go out there and BE UNSTOPPABLE!!!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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