Although you don’t need a website to have a successful or profitable business, if you’re going to have one, it should make a great first impression!  WHY – because your website is a reflection of who you are and the work that you do – so it better be darn great!

I’m not saying that you don’t need a website.  However, I believe a simple website that makes a good first impression is so much better than than a fancy, 10 page website that is confusing and doesn’t actually convert prospects into clients.

Today people head to your website to check out you!  Your website needs to ensure that you make a great first impression.

And since prospects are busier than ever, with a shorter attention span than ever, your website needs to be clean, attractive and get your message across quickly!

Here’s a number of considerations you need to make to ensure that your website creates an OUTSTANDING first impression:

1.         Make it mobile!  Research shows that more people are opening websites, reading blogs, etc. on their mobile devices THAN ON THE COMPUTER.  That means phones, tablets, etc.  When was the last time you looked at your website on your mobile device lately?  Check it out – you might be surprised!  Then do something about it QUICKLY!

2.         An introductory video can be highly effective as it can help your prospect see you in action.  According to research, 60% of people said they would rather watch videos than reading text.  A 1-2 minute video can capture your prospects attention and get your message across very quickly.  So if you’re someone like me who does a lot of speaking, then videos can be an amazing addition to your website (BTW- I’m working on creating some new ones for my site!!)

3.         Value Proposition – what’s the ONE reason why your ideal prospect needs you?  Your prospects should be able to answer that within seconds by glancing at your website.  (A value proposition is a statement that tells the world what you do and why anyone should care).  Head to my website – — what’s my value proposition?  Hint – It needs to be at the TOP of the page to grab prospects interest – if you don’t grab their interest immediately, they will click away.

4.         Direct their attention – are you providing the viewer with some sort of direction – call to action.  What should they be doing next?  Call you; book an appointment?  What is the primary goal of your website?

5.         Develop K-L-T (know-like-trust)  Your website ISN’T all about you!!!  (and yet it is).

  • When a prospect looks at your home page, they must understand very quickly how you/your product can help them.   Allowing them to easily find & read more content (blog, videos, etc). allows them to further deepen that connection.  If you’re going to provide content, try doing it consistently.  I’ve often looked at websites and blogs, if the last blog they wrote was in 2015, I start questioning whether they are up-to-date.
  • Do you have an opt-in that offers value so that you can keep in touch and stay top of mind?  Truth is that only 3% of your clients are actually looking for you right now so keeping in touch with them is imperative and you can do this with relative & consistent content.  I can tell you story after story of people who have met me at speaking events and it took 1, 2, or event 3 years before they were ready to hire me!  It could be the same for you – start creating an email list asap (if you don’t already have one).

6.         Make it personal

  • the BEST word in marketing is – YOU.  Scan through your home page and ask yourself how can you replace the word ‘I’ with the word YOU.  (BTW- on the home page, most people are NOT looking for the alphabet letters after your name or your certifications)
  • People want to know who is behind the website.  I was recently on the website of a local company and was interested who the owners were.  No where did I find any information about the owners.  It left me feeling a lack of connection! That makes it difficult for people to understand your WHY; or to develop a connection to you.  Always try to include a picture of who you are – even if it’s a team effort.
  • If your company has a mission statement or it’s WHY statement be sure to include it because this also helps to deepen the personal connection.

7.         More white space please!  White space on your website (or brochure, advertisement, etc.) is exactly that – where there isn’t anything – no image, no writing – just white space.  With more white space, the reader’s eye can be directed to various parts of your page.  With more white space, you create a more calm and less fussy or confusing to read site.  A confused buyer NEVER buys.

8.         Pictures say a 1000 words but it has to be the right picture.  Let me explain.  An accountant wanted to work with more manufacturing clients.  When she redid her website, she changed the headline picture to her reviewing documents while standing in an obvious manufacturing plant.  So without saying, she worked with manufacturing companies, the picture said it for her.  How can the pictures on your website SAY what results you get, who you work with, etc.   Also, the pictures on your website should reflect your personality.  If you’re a fun loving, laughing individual – then your pictures should be of you laughing and having fun!!!

So you might wonder why I’m talking about website – I’m not a web designer but I am a growth strategist.  Your website is a significant component of your growth strategy and your marketing mix.  Lately I see too many ambitious business owners trying to build websites themselves when it is clearly NOT in their zone of genius.

Come on ladies – learn what it takes to have a great website and invest in it (not tons of $$$ in the beginning).  But make sure it makes a GREAT first impression.

More on websites:

Interested in what prospects think of your website?  Your blog? Your social media? Do you wonder if it’s ‘speaking and converting’ your ideal clients?  Join me and SHIFT VIP’s for 2nd day of SHIFT during “Marketing Lab”!  An interactive workshop about whether you’re hitting the mark with your marketing!

Till next week … BE UNSTOPPABLE


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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