Welcome to part four of Get More Clients Now (GMCN).  In this series, I’m sharing some of my favorite strategies to help you get more clients and generate more cashflow, without a lot of complicated marketing tactics or fancy technology.

During my retail store days, early on, things were lean – really lean!!  And I had to be creative about getting the right kinds of buyers through our doors.  It didn’t take me long to learn that having a sale was not the right way to do it.  A sale only attracted discount shoppers!  Not who I needed!

The same was true during the early days of my coaching business.  There were times when I needed (and wanted) additional clients FAST.  So again, I got creative.  I would challenge myself to brainstorm at least 10 ways I could get new private clients.

Over the years, I’ve learned which ones of these work…. And which ones don’t.  I wanted to share them with you so that you could find more private clients quickly – especially when you needed the extra cash flow.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention …. None of these strategies require a big launch, a big list, frustrating technology, or fancy sales funnels!  Just pick one or two and give them a try!

Offer 1×1 Sessions for Group Participants:  I watched a former coach of mine offer a ‘platinum’ version of her group program which comprised of simply offering additional private coaching sessions to those enrolled in group programs.  This could be either a VIP Option or a 1-time session.  Either way – they pay more!  (BTW – if you’re a current member of my Achiever’s Club, ask me how you can upgrade to Platinum!)

Offer a Done-for-you Component
For instance, if there is something that your clients struggle with you could offer a ‘done for you’ i.e. done for you shopping (health coaches).

Offer Additional Services:
Create a complimentary offer that would make things easier for your clients i.e. do the shopping for all those containers your organizing clients need.

Create a ‘next step’ offer:
I recently created a ‘next step offer’ for the Achiever’s Club entitled “Speak with Confidence & Grow Rich” allowing those graduates of this group program to learn to integrate speaking into their marketing.

Follow Up with Past Clients:
There is gold in this follow up strategy!  Past clients already know, like & trust you.  If you’ve been continuing to cultivate the relationship with them, they are more likely to work with you again.

Book a CheckUp Session:
Many times I’ve seen clients generate amazing traction while we are working together but once they start flying solo again, they start to lose the momentum.  Offer a quick 20 minute check up that adds value and invite them to engage with a new program.

Give Past Clients VIP Status
Send past clients an invitation to work with you first before you start making public announcements!  Or offer them a VIP bonus to sweeten the deal.

Create Offers for Alumni only
Perhaps a mastermind or some type of additional support or accountability. i.e. what’s changed since we worked together.

Request Referrals
It’s rare that we ask for referrals often enough.  People are always asking for a service provider recommendation … new roof; professional organizer or a VA.  But you have to ASK!

  • past clients & current clients; and ask often!
  • send a ‘business announcement email”
  • send an email showcasing client success stories!
  • ask your business friends – circle.
  • reconnect with top referral sources

Follow Up with ‘No’s”
Now it’s true – you are going to hear some NO’s in your entrepreneurial journey.  But a NO usually means ‘no not now’.  Circling back to those NO’s could very well lead you to someone who is ready right now!

  • create a quick video
  • send a handwritten note
  • offer an irresistible incentive to begin now

Host a workshop
If you’re anything like me, I love teaching (not everyone does).  But if you do, then hosting a workshop allows you to leverage your time and accelerate the relationship building process.

  • host an in-person workshop
  • lunch & learn
  • co-host
  • host online webinar/workshop
  • put your workshop on auto pilot (masterclass or video)

Perhaps some of these ideas have helped you get the creative juices flowing!  I’d love to know which of these strategies will you give a try to add new private clients quickly?

Next week, I’ll be sharing with you ways to actually convert more of those discovery sessions into actual sales!!!



PS — Here’s the complete GMCN series:

1:       Why working 1x is the Fastest path to cash (here)
2:       3 Reasons you’re not getting clients in your business (here)
3.       Quickly Fill Your Agenda with new clients (here)
4.       20+ Go-To Strategies to Find more clients
5.       Are your free calls converting into clients?

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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