We are often told by the gurus that we need Instagram, Facebook, perhaps we should also be on LinkedIn; and have a 10 page website, writing blogs, doing FB lives, networking and the list goes on and on!

Total OVERWHELM, right?  …

And often after spending hours and hours trying to figure things out, we ask ourselves… is it really working?  How can I get more clients?

It can be so darn frustrating when you aren’t seeing the results that you want.  Whether it’s your posts on FB that aren’t being seen by your audience; or whether it’s your blog posts aren’t being opened.  So in just a minute, I’ll share with you 5 reasons why your marketing may not be converting into clients!

But first I want to share a secret with you.  A special invitation to “FORENSICMARKETING LAB” …. A one-day mastermind to discuss and brainstorm YOUR MARKETING efforts and results; in other words, what’s working and what’s not!  It will be a rather unscripted session for serious service-based entrepreneurs AND it will be the 2nd day SHIFT-the marketing event (April 3 & 4).  We will dive deep into WHY your marketing isn’t converting the way you want!  Why your marketing efforts aren’t bringing you clients?  I’m so excited to be bring this to you!!!  Be sure to mark these dates in your calendar RIGHT NOW!

But for today…. I thought I’d share 5 reasons why your marketing might not be converting into clients and what to do about it!   Here’s some food for thought.  Ask yourself how would you rank yourself on each of the following out of 10 (10 being you ROCK it)

1.     CLARITY ….

Are you clearly communicating the ONE big problem that you help your dream client solve?
OR are you using language that your customers don’t understand because they don’t know as much as you.
OR are you trying to be cute, clever or creative?  Clarity trumps it all!

ACTION:  How can you get clarity?

i.      ASK!  That’s right!  I challenge you to ask, invite, talk with 20-50 current and former clients to learn their exact needs and concerns.  You may find that you will shift your perspective!

ii.  Narrow your niche!  Which is more enticing ….

  1. 10 sessions of NLP OR Stop Smoking Now, even if you’ve tried everything
  2. be your best self …. OR Feel 20 years younger
  3. find your purpose OR Busy Moms Guide to Finding a Fulfilling New Career

Are you showing up:

  1. on a regular basis
  2. with the same message
  3. with the same look/brand
  4. is there consistency across all your platforms

Consistency builds trust and people buy from those they trust!

   ACTION: How to become more consistent? 

  1. Create and stick to a content calendar.  Decide how often you are going to share your core content.  Decide how often you are going to post on social media; send a newsletter; do a FB live!
  2. Create a ‘brand’ – look, feel, emotion, voice.  Think about your core values and how you bring these values into your business.

Have you calculated

  1. your time investment into each type of marketing?
  2. your cost investment?
  3. your actual returns in terms of clients?
  4. your LCV (lifetime customer value)?


  1. Do you know how much a new client is worth to you? Dig deep and find out your LCV.  How much would they spend with you over their lifetime with you; and how much profit would you make?  Then calculate how much time, energy & money you are investing to get that new client.  For example: Have you attended 6 networking events a month for the last 6 months and only got one or two new clients?  What is your time worth going to & from networking?

How do you stand out from others in your industry?

  1. Are you THE expert or just an expert?
  2. How are you different?
  3. Can you easily communicate how you are different?
  4. Can you easily communicate WHY they should hire you; instead of someone else?

a) Being different starts with yourself!  Learn how your Entrepreneurial DNA (distinctive natural advantage) can help differentiate yourself to build a compelling brand/reputation that drives sales.

Where in the customer journey are you spending your time/energy?
Your customer’s journey with you has 5 parts (magnetize; engage; cultivate; ask; wow)
Are you spending enough time on ‘cultivating’ ie. Content to current clients & community
Perhaps you’re not spending enough time on magnetizing new people into your business

a)    Create a 90 day marketing strategy for EACH stage of your customer journey.

There you have it!   Did you rate yourself?  How did you do?  The proof of the pudding is really — is your marketing bringing you all the clients you want?

If your marketing isn’t converting into clients …. Then I’m excited to invite you to join FORENSIC MARKETING LAB, DAY 2 of SHIFT, the marketing event. This workshop style day is limited to 20 entrepreneurs driven to create marketing that converts into clients!  Information coming soon on www.dianalidstone.com, Events.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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