It’s been a busy week of speaking, networking; and yes, sales conversations.  During some recent sales conversations I had my own aha about my client avatar – my ‘dream’ client.

You see … I recently started working with a new client who didn’t seem to fit my own client avatar and yet, they are my dream client.

Let’s back up a second – what’s a client avatar?

A client avatar is that description you have of what your dream client looks like.  It’s often full of demographics (age, gender, occupation, family, financial etc).  A client avatar might also have some geographic descriptors – lives in the city, neighborhood, etc.).  Psychographics are also often included in a client avatar – meaning what emotions are they feeling, what do they read, watch, etc.

Here’s my client avatar…. (a fictitious person)

Sara is a 52-year-old mother of two children who are leaving the nest.  A few years ago, she took her coaching certification and started her coaching business.  However, she’s feeling overworked, underpaid and totally frustrated with the lack of results for all her marketing efforts. She’s ready to do something different to get different results.  She’s ready to get steady stream of clients.  She knows that the clients she has worked with get amazing results and she desperately wants to help more people!

So …. In simple terms — my client avatar is a solo-preneur with sales less than $50,000.  Her main problem is that she doesn’t have a clear marketing message – she sounds like every other coach in her industry.  She doesn’t have a simplified marketing plan that she uses consistently.   She doesn’t have a plan to create consistent profits.

And yet ….  from the outside, my new client appears to be different than my dream client.  She is not a solopreneur – she has multiple employees.  Her sales are well beyond $100,000.

However there are some similarities …

Both clients don’t have a clear marketing message (they don’t stand out from others in their industry).

Neither of them have simplified marketing plan that they implement consistently.

Neither of them have a written plan for consistent profits that they follow.

My aha … it’s not always about the client avatar …

 IT”S MAINLY ABOUT THE PROBLEM that I can solve for them!

Neither have a steady stream of clients because they don’t have a systematized way of getting prospects and converting them into clients.

But this blog is about you …

Are you focusing too much on the demographics of your client avatar?  Are you describing your dream client by age, family, gender, etc?

Instead, perhaps you should be clarifying the PROBLEM that you solve for your clients?

Can you easily communicate the problem that you solve for your prospect?

Want help figuring this out?

Want to learn my 3 step client attraction formula that I used to get this new client?

I’ll be sharing this live during SHIFTmarketing event, April 3 & 4, in Ottawa!
VIP tickets are more than half sold out!

Join me at SHIFTmarketing – April 3 & 4 in Ottawa! 

  • Go here to purchase your ticket
  • Use this discount code at checkout (DL25)
  • Enjoy this day for only $25 including lunch, networking, learning, dancing!



More reading about ‘dream clients’:

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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