Sunday morning I received a text message from my neighbour that she was making cinnamon buns.  Being anxious and hopeful that they’d be ready for Sunday morning coffee break, I asked if they were ready.  She replied no they weren’t quite ready since the dough had to ‘rest’.  Just a little before lunch she dropped off these amazing buns – so so good!!  So thankful that I waited.

HOW is your business like those cinnamon buns?  Perhaps not your business but perhaps you – the business owner are like the cinnamon buns!

If you’re anything like me – we are always anxious to get our businesses ramped up!  We want things to happen immediately.  We want FAST.

BUT SOMETIMES WE NEED TO GIVE IT TIME – sometimes, we need to ‘rest’ just like the dough.

Here’s what I mean.

Although Martha had been a health coach for many years, and she worked really hard, she wasn’t satisfied with her income.  When she came to me she wanted to transform her business into one where she could work less and have a more consistent cash flow.  I taught her how to design, market and sell a signature program.  After a few short months she announced to me that she still wasn’t where she wanted her business to be.

I recommended that she ‘rest’!  She needed to stop doing so much.  She needed to refocus her mindset to ‘sell’ her signature. Once she shifted her focus, she quickly closed not one but two clients into her signature program so that she had consistent cash flow.  She recently told me that this consistent cash flow saved her during COVID.

Sometimes a ‘rest’ or a pause to refocus is just what a business (or business owner needs).

It seems that for many COVID provided us with a ‘rest’.  For others not so much!

Did you take time during COVID to:

  • Refocus what you want from your business?
  • Focus on building foundational elements of your business?
  • Pivot your business offerings to suit the current needs of your clients?
  • Analyze your current marketing system?
  • Discover what needs changing in your marketing system to be the solution of you?
  • Have you created a new offering/program for your clients’ current needs or were you able to just tweak an old offering?
  • Update your website to reflect a new marketing message?

If these questions raise more questions or if you need help with some of these areas, I’d be happy to help you.


Finally – marketing that works!


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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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