In my youth, I rode horses.  I competed.  I instructed. I worked in the horse industry for about 15 years.  I rode western.  I did dressage.  I rode hunters and jumpers.  I competed cross-country.  I even drove horses competitively.

But I NEVER rode two horses at once!

Just like a fox can’t chase two rabbits at once; an ass can’t ride two horses at once.

So, what does that have to do with your business and creating content??

Since March 11, it’s been quite clear that if you aren’t growing your business ONLINE – you aren’t growing it. 

It used to be that you could connect with prospects and build relationships by networking and attending live events.  Not anymore.  Perhaps, you’re like me and in the past tried to build a business BOTH online and in person.

It’s time to stop trying to ride two horses and embrace the fact that ONLINE is where you have to build relationships with your prospects.

So, what does that mean – how do you build a brand & a business online?  How do you connect with prospects and eventually turn those prospects into clients?

It requires CONTENT – content that your DCA (dream client avatar) values and wants); content that is valuable; content that you publish consistently.

It’s about ….

  • publishing blogs on your website with the right keywords
  • sharing those blogs on social media
  • sharing bits from those blogs as social media posts
  • growing an email list with valuable lead magnets
  • growing a Facebook group with valuable content
  • making connections through messenger.

All this so that new acquaintances become clients, students, referral partners, business besties or invite you to speak.

So, has COVID helped you (forced you) to pick a horse?

If you’re resisting, I totally understand … I did too but not anymore!

I’m choosing the ONLINE horse and I’m going to ride the hell out of it.

Here are 4 tips to set you up for content creation success!

1. Get super-duper clear on your Dream Client Avatar and the problem that they want solved! Dive deep into their true wants and desires; the emotions and their struggles – not just their age and other demographics!

2. Pick a meaty question that your DCA might ask you (or did ask you this past week or month) then brain dump (on paper, drawing, mind mapping, etc.) imagining that you’re having a conversation with your DCA – my friend is Sara and we are sitting across the kitchen table from each other as I write! Remember your blog or your video or your graphic doesn’t have to be a Pulitzer Prize-winning article – done is better than none!

3. Remind yourself that you’re the expert (yes you are!). If you have to – read some testimonials from past clients – that always gets my juices flowing.  Also – your DCA needs to hear the same message over and over again – you might be using different words or a different story, but you want to get the same message out there again and again.

4. Schedule time to create your content! YES – in your agenda.  (I’m writing this Sunday evening, but I have time blocked off in my agenda Monday morning to put the finishing touches on the blog; as well as pull out gems which I’ll turn into social media posts).  Scheduling gives you freedom!!!

Creating consistent, valuable content for your website and social media is one of the most important things you can do to CONNECT with prospects!

Want to learn more about creating content – I’ll share a unique method for writing rock star content in my upcoming MARKETING WORKSHOP WEEK at the end of August.  Don’t miss it – register here now.



P.S. Learn how to set yourself apart from your competition when you participate in MARKETING WORKSHOP WEEK – a free 6-day workshop beginning at the end of August. REGISTER now.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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