In the late 1990’s I owned a small retail store in a small town.  But perhaps what you didn’t know is that the first 5 years of growing that business were really, really tough.

The store was actually an old house set back from the road with a rather long walkway from the sidewalk.  In the first few months, I remember frequently looking out our front window watching a small group of women standing on the sidewalk, at the end of our walkway, talking to each other – hesitating about walking down the path.

I could almost hear them say …. “Do I want to walk up that walkway and go into that store?”  It was like there was no magnetic pull to attract them down the walkway.  I was so frustrated.

I also remember saying to myself and wishing I could say to them….

  • Just take a chance….
  • Walk down the path…
  • Open the door and
  • You’ll love what you see!

Because I knew once they came in the door, it would be very likely that they would make a purchase.

Guess what?

Those women standing on the sidewalk, debating whether they would take the chance to come down the pathway – they are exactly what people are doing when they see you online or meet you at a networking event.

It’s exactly what your prospects are asking before they buy from you!

  • What is it that those potential customers needed to walk down that path?
  • What is it that your potential customers need from you to become a true prospect?
  • What is going to turn them from a prospect into a client?

Those potential customers – those prospects….

They need to trust you!!!

Just like those women standing at the end of my store’s walkway, your prospects are debating whether to trust you enough to invest the time and effort to ‘walk down the path towards you’!

They won’t become prospects or leads until they trust you.

That’s what proficient marketing does …. it helps them trust you.

You build trust by sharing content on….

  • Podcasts,
  • Speaking
  • Blogs
  • Social media
  • Website
  • Workshops
  • Graphics

But trying to do all those things only leads to HUSTLE and overwhelm.

So what’s the answer?

PICK ONE – pick one lead generation strategy and master it.



P.S. Listen, share, & subscribe to Episode 08 for more tips (here)
Episode 09 is guest Marc Mawhinney & his tips (here)

P.P.S.  You’ve been hearing TONS about simplifying your business so that your marketing is easier, so you have more joy & more profit.  So why not attend FREE workshop and get my feedback on your business:

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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