What’s the most difficult question you’ve ever had to answer?

That in itself is probably causing you to stop and think, right?

Ok, let’s change the question.

What’s the most difficult question in business you have to answer?

I can think of a few…

How many of you have stumbled to answer,

  • So tell me, what do you do?


  • What is the most important activity you do each day in your business?


In this week’s episode of Work Less PROFIT More, I’m asking another difficult question – one that if you don’t know the answer – could cost you upwards of a million dollars.

Hence – I’ve named it, The Million Dollar Question. Listen here.

Difficult questions are a good thing!

They make us stop and think! That’s the trouble … most business owners don’t take time to STOP, be quiet, and think about their business or solutions to their problems.

They are just too darn busy – to work ON their business instead of working IN their business.

Do you regularly take time to pause and think IN your business?

Do you regularly work ON your business?

Remember Dolly Parton’s words …. “Don’t Get So Busy Making A Living That You Forget To Make A Life”.

Answer the Million Dollar Question (here)


P.S. If you are ready for support to regularly work ON your business, then let’s chat – book a call here.  My 1-1 Business Accelerator program is for business owners who realize they need to prioritize working ON their business so they can grow their business to the next level.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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