It seems a little odd – almost contrary! Far too many businesses are the best-kept secret in their industry – nobody knows about them. And on the other hand, there are far too many business owners sick and tired of posting on social media in an attempt to get seen without any real results!

So what’s the answer?

How can you get seen and get chosen without so much social media hustle?

The answer is…

Well, my friends, there is one marketing strategy that will get you seen by:

  • New audiences
  • Your specific target market
  • Those that have the problem that you solve
  • All, without doing the social media hustle!

The answer is … Podcast Guesting!

Podcast guesting is a strategy, not a tactic, that involves you being a guest on someone else’s podcast, (or it could even be guesting on a webinar, or event as a speaker, or even contributing to a guest blog). It is basically a way to get in front of a lot of new eyeballs all at once – people that have likely not heard of you before!

That’s what makes it so powerful – it’s the simplicity of it.

If you can get in front of just one new audience each month then you can amplify your reach and share your expertise.

Then you can share your guest experience on your blog, in an email with clients, or in a podcast if you have one (wherever it is relevant).

I was listening to a podcast this week that suggested – if you aren’t getting the sales you want; you need to get in front of 1000 new people each month! There’s no easier way than podcast guesting! Personally, I try to be a guest on at least ONE relevant podcast per month!

Why does podcast guesting work so well?

✅ Scalability of your message.
✅ Reaching more eyeballs in less time makes business sense.
✅ Ability to leverage new opportunities from it.
✅ Time for effort pay off.
✅ Seen as a trusted expert.

Guesting takes a little bit of initial work upfront but the time you take will reap some rewards for the effort you’ve applied to it.

What about you? Are you thinking you don’t know HOW to be a guest?

Just like anything else in business – there’s a right and a wrong way to get on other people’s podcasts!

That’s why this week’s episode 94 of the Work Less PROFIT More business podcast is all about creating a ‘system’ or a process to easily pitch yourself as a guest.

Listen here and you can also download the Checklist in the show notes.

Happy Guest Podcasting!


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