Over the last 10 years, I’ve learned a little about myself and my business (you’re probably saying, I should hope so!!!)

The one thing that I know for sure is that conquering my fear of public speaking, developing a signature talk and delivering it over and over has had a SIGNIFICANT impact on my business growth!

From hosting my very first event for women entrepreneurs to my most recent talk on a live stage in from of 400 real estate investors – speaking has hands down been THE best marketing strategy for me! And it’s possible, it could be for you too!

But it’s not just about getting on a stage or a Facebook live! It’s about delivering a talk that’s not just informational but transformational.

You see … in today’s marketplace, your prospect doesn’t need more information – they can ‘google’ the answer to anything!

However, after you finish your talk, you want your audience to say….

  • I’ve never heard it like that before
  • It’s making me really think about XYZ
  • Wow – that really made me think

That’s what you want from your public speaking. Believe me – it’s not about the applause or people saying they really enjoyed your talk.  You want to have an impact on them whether it’s speaking from the stage, or Facebook lives, reels, videos, etc.

You want to give them a different perspective because that’s what’s going to make them remember YOU. More information won’t do the job.

The last time I took the stage, my signature talk generated almost $50K. I’m not telling you this to brag but to impress upon you what kind of an impact speaking and your signature talk could make on the bottom line of your business! (And believe me – there are other experts out there that can monetize their message in much bigger ways than I have done.)

If this is peaking your interest, then you’ll want to listen to this week’s Work Less PROFIT More business podcast episode where Steve Lowell, Master Trainer and I chat about getting on stage and monetizing your message.

Listen here.


P.S. Think you could use a boost to your business? Wish a professional would put their eyes on your business and help you drive it forward…for free? Apply to be a guest on my Profit Potential Audit interview on my Work Less PROFIT More business podcast – https://dianalidstone.com/audit/

Listen to Ep. 75 Where I explain the Profit Potential Journey! (here)

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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