It’s true – as an entrepreneur for 40 years… I’ve made a ton of mistakes! And those business owners I work with – yup they’ve made mistakes too!

But the key is to learn from our mistakes and not to repeat them TWICE!

And if you ‘googled’ the phrase “mistakes entrepreneurs make”, you’ll find a list as long as your arm because everyone has a different perspective.

Sometimes they focus on sales mistakes.

Other times it’s planning/strategy mistakes.

Or it might be marketing.

Or it might be…

When you want to scale your business and reach true freedom, there are several mistakes, pitfalls, and challenges you’ll want to avoid if you want to reach multiple 6 figures or 7+ figures!

In this week’s episode of Work Less PROFIT More (here), I address 11 of the top pitfalls that business owners must avoid so they can increase joy, profit and freedom without losing their sanity.

(I recently used this same content in a presentation to a group of real estate investors; their comments…’this was gold; I needed to hear this; amazing content’ … so I’m guessing you won’t want to miss it!).

This episode is the beginning of a new podcast series, Think Like A CEO, specifically designed for business owners who:

  • Wonder why they can’t scale their businesses
  • Can’t seem to move past an income level
  • Work really hard in their business, but can’t seem to work ON their business
  • Are caught in the proverbial ‘growth trap’ of being Chief Everything Officer

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favourite platform so you don’t miss any of this series… and if the series inspires you and you find it valuable, I’d be so grateful if you’d give it a review!


P.S. What is Diana reading this week…..
The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama! “Your fearful mind is basically the life partner you didn’t choose….she’s every monster I’ve ever known”!  We all have monsters we live with!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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