This week the weather has changed and I started digging out my warmer clothes… If you’re anything like me that means re-organizing my closets so I can find my winter woolies easily.

As I was putting away my summer stuff, I noticed that I had a collection of both summer and winter hats! Wide brim, baseball hats, different coloured hats for summer.  And for winter, an assortment of warm hats in different colours and different thicknesses.

It dawned on me… do I really need AALLLL of these hats? I can only wear one at a time.


Isn’t it the same in our businesses?

We have several hats we could wear:

  • The bookkeeper hat
  • The marketing hat
  • The sales hat
  • The branding hat
  • The social media hat
  • The speaker hat
  • The blogger hat
  • The teacher hat
  • The customer service hat
  • And the list goes on….

I think you’re getting the idea!!!! As business owners we wear a lot of hats BUT how many can you wear at once? And when should you be wearing which hat?

That’s why in this week’s episode of Work Less PROFIT More business podcast, I explain why you need to wear different hats during the different stages of your business’ growth.

During this episode, I also share how I almost burnt out by trying desperately to wear too many hats at once! I’m a little older and wiser now and recognize the signs of burnout when prospects talk to me. I know that wearing too many hats is one of the top reasons that small businesses fail (as I outlined in Episode #108 here).

So my friends, the question this week is…

Are you trying to be the Chief Everything Officer and wear all the hats?

If you’d rather not be the Chief Everything Officer but would rather evolve into a highly effective small business CEO, (with more joy, profit & freedom in your life & biz), then Episode 110 (here) is a must-listen as I share what it takes to SHIFT into that role!!


P.S. What is Diana reading this week…pure drivel romance fiction! After all, a girl can’t work all the time!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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