Just a couple of weeks ago, during the week between Christmas and New Year’s (which some are calling Twixmas), I did my annual business review.  I didn’t start by looking forward into 2024, I started by looking in the rearview mirror to see what I accomplished, what failed, and what I could do better.

I strongly believe that BEFORE you start planning for the upcoming year, it’s imperative to look behind! That’s one of the reasons I created the workbook – Think Like a CEO: A Rear View of 2023.

So what did I learn about myself when I did this exercise…

I learned that I need to follow my own advice…more often!


You see for years I’ve been helping small business owners work less! One of the big challenges for visionary small business owners is that we LOVE creating new things! If you see squirrels in your backyard you’ll know exactly what I mean!

So how does this show up in your business?

Perhaps you love customizing your offers or programs for new clients (rather than selling your signature or core program, product or service). Customizing eats up a ton of your time and energy.

Or perhaps you’re more like me. While doing a rearview analysis of my business, I discovered that over the last few years, I have designed, marketed, launched, sold and delivered at least 8-10 different workshops (rather than optimizing one or two).

Designing, marketing, launching, selling and delivering EACH workshop consumes a large amount of time and energy. I would have been better off doubling down, optimizing, and tweaking one or two of those workshops! There would have been a better ROI (return on investment) and ROE (return on energy).

So this year is my year to FOCUS on not just optimizing my best workshops but turning them into automated lead generation tools so that they become rinse and repeat (thus saving both time and energy).

Why did I do this – because I’m a creative.  It’s not that I didn’t know HOW to make these workshops better. It’s not that I didn’t know how to turn them into lead-generation tools. It’s that I wasn’t focused – I let my squirrel take over my activities and mindset!

You see, we can all make mistakes. We can all lose focus.

But what can we learn from those mistakes?

We can learn that they are OPPORTUNITIES.

What opportunities might you find if you did a true review of the past year?

If you’d like a copy of my workbook, send me an email and say – WORKBOOK! By the way, you can use this workbook each year going forward!

You see… I want you to have your best year yet and that starts by looking in the rearview mirror.



Want to join my private clients and myself virtually on January 15th while we take the day to create our QUARTERLY PLANS for 2024? Send me an email so we can chat to see if you’re a good fit.

WorkLessPROFITMore podcast: This week I share with you some minor changes I’m making to the podcast to better serve you (listen here).

Next week: Essential Business Books

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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