However as entrepreneurship grew in popularity that same ‘hard work’ thinking crept into business ownership. For me, it wasn’t until 2009 when Tim Ferris introduced the concept of the 4-hour work week, that I began to understand that as a business owner, it is our choice how we build our business and how hard we work. There is no need for the ‘hustle’! We can build a profitable and sustainable business without working 24/7!
How many times have you asked your fellow entrepreneurs – How are things? And they replied – BUSY! (as if being busy is a badge of honor we should proudly wear).
So as I move my business forward, I embrace the unhustle culture which means building a business by design so you work as many hours or days that you wish while at the same time earning a better than average living.
Here are some questions to ask yourself as you move your business forward this year…
How many hours a week do you work in your business currently?
How many hours a week do you want to work in your business in the future so you can live the life you dreamed of having?
What’s the gap? What’s the difference between the two?
How do you think you can reduce the number of hours you work?
Over the years, it seems to me that we can often just be working in/on our business without really realizing what we are doing?
Have you caught yourself doing tasks that you could easily delete, delegate or defer?
This week’s Work Less PROFIT More business podcast episode is all about ways that we unconsciously stay super busy in our businesses without thinking about it. I know you’ll get a giggle out of some of the examples! Have a listen here. Remember – it’s 15 minutes that will save you hours!
Where am I? This week, I’m in Toronto at a ‘Make Money Speaking’ Bootcamp hosted by my friends Alfonso Cuadra and Majeed. There’s always something to learn!
WorkLessPROFITMore podcast: How to stay super busy!! (hehehe) here