While attending a live conference in Toronto recently, I overheard several conversations about ‘branding’.

Yes, I confess, I eavesdropped! And what I heard wasn’t good or even true.

It became very apparent that there are so many misconceptions about branding including:

  • What a brand is; and what it’s not.
  • Branding mistakes that business owners make.
  • How a remarkable brand can help you become THE undeniable authority.
  • How a brand can help you break through the digital noise.
  • Even if you think you have a revenue problem, you don’t.
  • Where to start to create a big brand.

So my friends, starting this week on the Work Less PROFIT More business podcast, we are going to address ALL of those myths and help you start building your remarkable personal brand!

But for today, I thought I would share 5 things you can do right now to make your brand more professional; stop people in their tracks and make them realize that you are someone they need to pay attention to…

  1. Declutter everything – Declutter your website, and social media profiles, posts, etc. Today people are attracted to brands that are clean, simple and spacious.
  1. Use fewer colours – Unless you’re an artist and need all the colours of the rainbow, pick one or two main colours with a couple of accent colours! Remember there is psychology to the colors you pick!
  1. Simplify your fonts – Again, simple is best. Two to three fonts are the max.  You can use different ones for your headings, subheadings, etc.
  1. Good Photography – Hire the best photographer you can afford because you will be judged on your photos. Bad photographs can quickly ruin a reputation.
  1. Clarify your brand message – Unfortunately, an unclear brand message can be confusing and keep you from attracting and converting the right clients. Clarifying your messaging is perhaps the most difficult thing for founders to do by themselves! If I can support you in that, please reach out!

BONUS: Your brand will evolve as you and your business evolve. So just because you rebranded in the past, remember it’s an evolution. I’m guessing that your brand of 2 years ago, 3 years ago or certainly 5 years ago, doesn’t truly represent you or who you are or the business you lead.

Enjoy this new series – Love Your Brand (here)


BE IN THE KNOW:  At the end of this week, I’m off for a week of sun and sand. A true unplugged vacation! Look out Amazon, I have to purchase mystery novels and a few romantic fiction books for my Kindle!

WorkLessPROFITMore podcast: This week, we start the Love Your Brand series by diving into what a brand truly is and is not!  You might be surprised!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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