This month, as the world celebrates International Women’s Month, I’m celebrating women in business. And while many events celebrate women in corporate or business women who have launched mega 7 or 8-figure businesses, I feel that something is missing!

Over the years, I’ve felt that for the most part, many of the events I’ve attended didn’t resonate with me! While I’ll admit, these women were successful, I didn’t feel inspired by their stories or their rise to success.

For me, what was missing was that there are hundreds if not thousands of women running amazing, sustainable businesses on their terms while experiencing freedom and joy!

These are the businesses that have a huge impact on the lives they touch.

These are the women who have clearly defined what success means for them and built their businesses with that intention.

These are the women business owners who earn a better than fair market wage from their business and still have time to enjoy life! (BTW – if you’re one of those women, I’d love to hear from you!!)

To celebrate these women, I’ve started a series entitled Women of Means on my Work Less PROFIT More podcast. For 5 weeks, I’ll interview women who know what success means for them and who have built their businesses with the intention of living that ‘successful life’. I know you’ll find them inspiring and motivating.

So to start this series off, I invited a woman to share her thoughts and her dreams for her business. She is a mother, wife, real estate investor, coach, community builder and full-time member of our Canadian Armed Forces. She is busy but doesn’t hustle. She is building a profitable, sustainable business with intention. Listen here.

Before I sign off this week, I also want to point out that building a business on your terms with the Freedom you desire requires strategic planning (among other things).

I can almost hear you saying but Diana, I set my goals at the beginning of the year and created a plan – isn’t that enough strategic planning?

While that is true for many business owners, how many of you actually:

  1. Review and tweak your plan on a quarterly basis?
  2. Have laid out your plan in terms of monthly, weekly and daily action steps?
  3. Check-in and follow those action steps?

I’m guessing many of you answered NO to at least one of those questions.

So what happens when you don’t review and tweak your plan on a quarterly basis?

  • You don’t know exactly what’s working or not working in your business to achieve your goals.
  • You haven’t adjusted your business action steps to stay in line with possible market shifts, customer changes or changes in your life.
  • You keep working very hard, doing the same things over and over again wondering why it’s not getting you closer to your goals.

Sound familiar! (I know that was me before I started doing quarterly planning.)

What happens when you have an annual plan without monthly, weekly and daily action steps?

  • You easily get overwhelmed and wonder what you should do next to get closer to your goals.
  • You get distracted by bright shiny objects that take you away from focused efforts that would help you move your business in the right direction.
  • You start losing confidence because what you are doing isn’t working.

Again, does this resonate?

That’s why I want to help you achieve all that you were meant to achieve – that success that you desire – the freedom you deserve.

You’re super smart and deep down you know that with a little guidance, a little strategy, and a little mentoring you could get your business back on track and start moving the needle in the right direction!!!

So that’s why I’m inviting you to Quarterly Freedom Planning Event, on March 18.  Here’s the link for more information.

If you’re a little reluctant, I totally understand but please feel free to reach out and book a call here. Your business will thank you!


P.S. Use the code SAVE200 for my friends & family discount!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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