You all know the classic 1993 movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray,

where Murray plays a weatherman, who is caught in an endless time loop repeatedly relives the same day!!!

I hate to say it, but I see this often with small business owners.

They seem to be caught in this endless loop of doing the same thing over and over again AND don’t seem to know how to get out of the loop!

Perhaps they are stuck and by their own admission aren’t taking action or aren’t taking the right actions to move their business forward.

OR a prospect who has been on my email list for a couple of years called me out of the blue.  In a panic, they shout “Diana, I need to talk to you!!!”

They are ready to work with me.

I often ask myself — why now?

Why is she ready to do the work now and not when we spoke last?

Well, as it happens – NOTHING has changed in her business in 3 years.  Actually, in terms of profitability, she is not as profitable as she was 3 years ago.  She’s been doing the same things over and over again in her business – expecting a different result.


Are you doing the exact same business activities year in year out in your business and expecting the results to be different?

Are you doing the same marketing; using the same website; using the same elevator pitch? Getting the same results?

Are you processing orders; answering the phone; networking; not sending emails; inconsistent on social media AND EXPECTING that your business will grow?

TRUTH BOMB – After 3 years I would expect that you would have grown – become a different person than you were 3 years ago – a better person, with a clearer vision of where you want to be; with stronger personal & business skills.

After 3 years, your mindset should have shifted.

After 3 years, your business SHOULD be in a different place than it is now, but it takes doing things differently.

Here’s a challenge for you … over the next week, look at your business with a new set of eyeglasses – ask yourself, is it Groundhog Day in your business?

Are you doing the same activities, day in and day out, or year in year out, and EXPECTING that your business will grow? Be more profitable?

If nothing has changed … and

If you’d like to wake up from Groundhog Day and start doing things differently in your business – I’d love to be the one to support you.

STEP 1:          Book time with me so we can have a talk about what the future might hold for your business and what roadblocks are keeping you stuck in GROUNDHOG DAY.

STEP 2:          Fill out this short application form before our call.

STEP 3:          Join Marketing Roadmap Intensive (which starts Feb 4th) to really SHIFT your business into high gear and become The Highly Paid Authority in your industry or field.

It’s that easy!  Success is easy when you do the right activities with the right support!

These former clients had amazing results before the program was finished:

✓  Stephen who sold a $10K program
✓  Gina who sold 2 signature programs
✓  Cecilia who sold $65K

I want you to spend your time, effort and money growing a predictably profitable business!



Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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