You never forget your first ……business coach that is.

I remember hiring my first business coach when my coaching business was struggling!  I was earning the embarrassing amount of $400 per month – and truthfully I knew that if something didn’t change, it would stay that way!

You see, even though, I had built several other successful businesses – I realized that building a profitable coaching business was different!

So I had a choice to make.  Either I could continue to play small or I could get the guidance and support I needed to really give it my best shot.

So I hired my first business coach.

And it cost $20,000 (US).

Yes, it felt like a TON of money at the time and I knew I didn’t have $20,000 just sitting in my bank account to pay for it!  I remember the coach explaining that YES, there was a payment plan; and yes, if I worked the system – then I would see results.

Although it felt exciting (and a whole lot scary) but I decided to go for it.  It was the GAME-CHANGER.

I learned to think about myself and my business in a totally different way.  I learned to understand and articulate what my value was (and why it mattered).  And I learned how to deliver on that promise and get paid what I was worth!

Since then I’ve continued to invest in myself as a business owner.  Up levelling means having some serious skin in the game and I won’t lie, it gives me jitters every time!

For those of you who attended SHIFT this past Friday – you know that the ACHIEVER’S CLUB is now open for enrolment!   You also heard case studies of those who have worked the system and had amazing results:
¬    Style Sandra who increased her sales 4 times
¬    Donny who was able to reduce her workdays from 6 to 5
¬    Frances who started loving her clients once again
¬    Lorraine who increased her sales 5 times.

Results like that are possible for you too!

How do you know if the ACHIEVER’S CLUB is right for you?  If you say YES to any one or more of the following statements … then the ACHIEVER’S CLUB might be a good fit for you:

  • I have difficulty asking for money.
  • I have trouble pricing my services
  • I have difficulty raising my rates
  • I have several different programs/offerings
  • My business suffers feast and famine cycles.
  • I wish I could find time each week for BIG picture planning
  • I price my services by the hour, session or month.
  • I wish I had a consistent baseline revenue.

Anything resonate for you?   If so head over to the ACHIEVER”S CLUB page here .  It is possible to earn a consistent $5k monthly or more; without working longer harder hours!

If you’re still unsure – book a Business Breakthrough Session with me here.  I’d be more than happy to discuss your business with you!  You deserve to have a profitable business and a life you love!

It is possible!!!   You can earn more and live more!


PS.  If you didn’t attend SHIFT – I’m holding a special FREE Masterclass Webinar for you on October 4 at noon – 3 Common Pricing Mistakes that are keeping you from building a predictably profitable business.  REGISTER HERE    And of course, there will be prizes & giveaways!

PSS. SAVE THE DATE– October 4 at noon!  Block off at least 90 minutes for this masterclass on pricing that could totally SHIFT your business!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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