When my daughter was in her late teens, she was bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  It was utterly devastating to see this once vibrant, smart, super-active young woman held hostage by this condition.  However, this isn’t a story about her rise to health – she lives an amazing life now.

It is a story about one of the tools she used while recuperating.

That tool was visualization! I want to share this one particular story with you.  She and I were in the car one day heading to ANOTHER doctor’s appointment when she told me to stop talking to her because she was going to do her visualization – she was going to imagine herself in her happy place!  So, I just drove – no talking.

In a few minutes I looked over at her.  Her eyes were closed.  She had this serene look on her face.  She was smiling.  She was sitting straight but at the same time doing something with her arms – in fact, it looked to me as if she was pretending to paddle a boat.  I was curious.

When she finished her ‘visualization’, I asked her what she had been doing.  She said she imagined that she was in a canoe, paddling along the shores of a river.  She could feel the sun on her face; the breeze in her hair.  She could hear the birds.  It was calming and it brought her great joy!

It was VERY evident that doing this visualization brought her a new sense of calm, but also renewed energy.  I learned that day that visualization could be extremely powerful if you feel the emotions along with it.

So how does this relate to your business? Quite easily!  Here’s my question, and I would encourage you to take time to think about it carefully….



What if you created a story/movie in your mind, one that was consistent, one that was so strong – you could FEEL the excitement?  What if you could feel the positive energy flowing through you each time you watched this movie in your mind (or read your PERFECT DAY script).

That’s what I want for you!!!

So, here is a tool you can use!  Download my guided visualization here.  Once you’ve listened to it, I encourage you to write out your PERFECT DAY script.  Keep it close at hand and read it frequently.  Allow the emotion of your PERFECT DAY to fill you up with energy and excitement.

Happy visualizing!  Happy business building!

You can do this,


Need support with your business:

1. Want help clarifying your message; repositioning your brand; creating a marketing or sales strategy or just getting my eyes on your business …. Book a VIP half or full day with me, but let’s chat first – book a Growth Strategy Call here.

2. You’re not alone if you struggle to create content for such things as social media – so here’s help. CONTENT CREATION BOOTCAMP, a 2-day live, ‘get sh*t done’ workshop at my home (small group) to create content aligned with your business goals, your business and your content style.  Leave with 12 months of content outlined and 90-days of content created.  It’s so important to create content that ACTUALLY brings you the right kinds of clients!   Only a few spots left, learn more here.

3. Want to amp up your income & impact? Then consider joining CEO MASTERMIND, a yearlong mastermind program for a small select group of established business owners who are committed to scaling their businesses. This is by application only.  There are a few spots left in this program. We begin at the end of January  https://dianalidstone.com/ceo-mastermind/.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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