Stories are one of the most powerful ways to guide, teach and inspire people!  Storytelling is effective because it helps establish a connection – connection helps build relationships.

So what story do you share?

Are you brave enough to share your personal story?

My guess is that either you think that you don’t have an inspiring story or if you do have a story, you’re reluctant to share it because you feel that no one wants to hear it?

Sorry, but you’re wrong!

Every story is important to share especially if you can draw a connection to your business now.  I know that each of you has a story within you that has taught you lessons relevant to your clients!

Just this week, as I was doing my 2021 planning, someone suggested that I should share my retail story as a podcast guest.  Immediately I said – what story?  But then I realized …. 12 years as a successful retailer who burnt out has value and would provide ‘connection’.

That’s right … although I built a very successful retail business – after 12 years, when I sold, I was burnt out. I was so exhausted that I spent almost 2 years getting up in the morning, taking my coffee to the living and spent the morning reading.  That’s it!  I had no energy for anything.

So why was I so burnt out?  Several reasons and several lessons I learned!

Now there is a little back story about my daughter being ill and bedridden during those last 7 years adding tremendous responsibility and stress.

When I eventually started my coaching business, I knew that I would have to ensure that I didn’t burn out.

Here are 5 insights that I learned from being a burnt out retailer that can help you as you grow your business, no matter what type of business it is:


1.  Mindset is key to growth; even more than strategy!

During my daughter’s illness during those retail years, I felt like a failure!  A failure because my really smart daughter was bedridden and everything I tried didn’t work.  I thought if I just work harder; I’ll find something to help her.  And I did and she got well.

But what helped me shift my mindset (and helped her during her illness) was gratitude.  I even started a Gratitude Circle for women entrepreneurs.  Gratitude can turn a frown upside down.  It shifts everything.  Gratitude is a form of mindfulness and it works every time to shift me into success!

Is it possible that some limiting belief is holding you back?  Something around money blocks, imposter syndrome, fear of being visible, fear of success?


2.  Boundaries are oxygen.

Oprah said: “You have to be able to set boundaries, otherwise the rest of the world is telling you who you are and what you should be doing.  You can still be a nice person and set boundaries….”

Over the years, I’ve learned to ask this question …. Am I benefiting in some way from keeping my energy focused on racing from emergency to emergency rather than setting up the systems & habits that will support the growth of my business and the joy in my life?  Is chaos keeping me safe?

Setting boundaries means more effective time for the key driving factors for your business (and of course, more quality time for the things you love)!  That’s why I’m so fired up about my upcoming free masterclass – Freedom & Focus – and although it started January 4th – you can still register and catch the recordings (


3.  Know what you’re REALLY selling.

Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds if not thousands of business owners in different industries and so many of them get stuck with their income & profitability because they are focused on selling the wrong thing.

We often forget that the world’s most profitable businesses put the customer front and center – not the product or service.  The customer wants OUTCOMES and results.  You are selling outcomes/results.

In my retail days, I wasn’t selling dishes or a chair – I was selling the feeling of ‘comfort of home’!  The same is true in my coaching – I’m not selling marketing but confidence that you can be YOU and attract more customers.

If you don’t have a formula for communicating the outcomes you create for your clients in a way that triggers emotion, you’re always going to struggle in your business!


4.  You’re in a league of your own (competition is irrelevant).

In today’s world where everyone seems to be shifting to online, I hear people worried about ‘competition’.  Competition is great for a number of reasons.

However, your customers buy from you because of WHO YOU ARE.  Maybe you don’t know it yet, but there is ABSOLUTE magic that shows up when you cater to your client’s needs the way you do!  You are distinct in the way you deliver your outcome/result.

Show up as you!  And yes, you’re going to have to try experimenting with how to communicate your magic; and yes, you’re going to mess it up but that’s what it takes – double down on being that perfect solution for them.


5.  What got you here, won’t take you there!

If you’re currently struggling to make $1K, $2K or $5K a month and are looking to scale to $10K or even $50K…. know that the answer isn’t found in working 10x harder! You’re going to have to learn a completely new way of running your business!

It will take a village!  It will take a team.  It will take a mentor.

A good mentor or coach will help you:

  • Play up your strengths and reframe your weaknesses.
  • Re-write any limiting beliefs that keep you stuck no matter all the hard work.
  • Give you to tools & strategies to build your business and HAVE a life.
  • Hold you accountable and not let you bail when fear comes knocking.

How do I know?  Because I’ve invested in over $100K in training & mentorship.  And it was the ONLY way to get from having a dream to having a profitable and fulfilling business that I could be really proud of.

During my retail days, I didn’t even know what a coach was however, I had a willing mentor; someone who shared his wisdom and knowledge with me graciously.  I couldn’t have done it without him!

If you’re committed to your success – if you’re determined to make $5K; $10K, $20K a month or more, you’re NOT going to get there by doing more of the same thing you’re doing now.  You’re going to have to find a mentor to teach you how and to pay them to help you take the leap.

So, in 2021, I’ll ask you to look at your own journey.  What lessons, insights, epiphanies have you learned that would help your clients?

From burnout successful retailer to successful online marketing expert – there’s always a story in a journey!

What’s your story?



P.S.       Want to learn more about setting boundaries?  It’s not to late for Freedom & Focus  5-day Masterclass – register here –  OR for a deep dive; register for CEO Planning Day

P.S.S.     Want to learn more about how to communicate your magic so you can attract more clients?  Register for upcoming FREE Marketing Workshop Week here –

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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