It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been a year since the world changed! I’m not sure how your world has changed but I know for many business owners it’s a whole new ball game.  It also means that the way we do marketing NOW is so different than a year ago!

If you remember, I used to host live events – no more! I shifted to hosting live workshops in my Facebook group!  This one shift alone has earned me close to $100K.  I’m not sharing this to brag but to share with you what I’ve learned so that you too can do the same!  Some of my clients have been very successful in doing the same thing!

There are 3 main reasons you might be struggling in this new virtual economy:

1. Your prospects don’t understand specifically how you will make their life better. This goes back to your messaging and brand positioning — being clear on how you can solve their problem and what RESULTS or desired outcomes they will receive from you or your program, product or service. Perhaps it’s just a tweak in some of the words you use.  If you would like some help with this, then schedule a call!

2. You aren’t giving them what they need right now! In other words, your program or service doesn’t seem relevant to them now or there isn’t enough urgency to solve their problem now.  There is no doubt that times have changed this last year – and your prospect may be experiencing a whole different set of problems.

For example:  if your dream client was a female middle manager wanting to advance her career – what are her current problems with working from home that you could solve?   It’s about positioning your solution to solve their current problems.

3. You aren’t getting enough eyeballs on your business in this new online/virtual economy. So I’m guessing you’re saying – but Diana, how do I increase my business’s visibility without the hustle or paid advertising?

The answer is LIVE videos – Facebook or LinkedIn Lives!

Here’s why:

  1. Live videos are FREE
  2. Lives are the real, authentic you that your prospects want to connect with before they purchase your product, program or service.
  3. Facebook gives priority to Lives (in other words, the algorithm will show your FB lives to more people than a video, a graphic or a word post. According to SproutSocial, FB lives get 3x more engagement than videos.

For these 3 reasons alone – more business owners should be doing FB lives!

So what’s stopping you from doing FB or LinkedIn Lives consistently???   Well, if you’re anything like myself about 2 years ago (or the clients I speak to now) – the reasons range from….

I’m scared to…… (make a mistake, to be judged, to be seen……).

I don’t know what to talk about.

I don’t know where to start.

It won’t work for my business.

Believe me – I’ve heard them all.

That’s why I’m declaring March – FB Live month.  I want to focus on helping you get more eyeballs on your business without the hustle or paid advertising!

I’ve created a new pop-up FB group to create a community where other business owners just like you can get your questions answered.   I’ll be sharing statistics about why you should be doing FB lives consistently; how to do them; how to create endless streams of content and interviews with business owners who are successfully filling programs using FB lives as part of their marketing strategy!

This FB group is also where I’ll be hosting a FB Live workshop week (March 15-19) for the ridiculously low investment of $47.

We are going to cover, in-depth, all of your worries including what I’m calling the 5-Ps of Client-Getting FB Lives:

  1. Preparation – including tech & equipment
  2. Positioning – your magical marketing messaging
  3. Powerful Flow of FB lives that convert into clients
  4. Purposeful Content – 2 methods to create limitless & purposeful content that your dream clients want to hear from you
  5. Profitable Invitations into your programs, products or services
  6. P   (can you guess what this one is????)

Join Client-Getting FB Lives Facebook group here

REGISTER for Get Clients with FB Lives workshop week here.

I promise – this will help you get more eyeballs on your business; more sales conversations into your agenda; and help you sell more of your products, programs or services!!!



You can build your predictably profitable business using FB lives! Join the group now –  here!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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