You see your business besties (or competition) churning out consistent content on social media, newsletters, blogs or videos and you wonder…

How the heck do they do that?

Where do they come up with all those content ideas?

Or perhaps you’re thinking….

It’s such a chore to create awesome content …

And you stare at the blank computer screen (or page)….

And nothing!

Here’s what I’ve learned… creating consistent, purposeful content is like riding a bicycle …. It takes a technique and once you’ve mastered it, it becomes so much easier!

I know because since 2015, I’ve consistently written a blog, sent out a newsletter and posted on social media.  And yes – there were times when it was just random stuff but now I have it down to a science.

Now, creating weekly – consistent and purposeful content is easy!!!  I’ve mastered the technique so that once a week I create a stellar piece of content; extract social media posts from that content, repurpose it into Facebook Live videos which are later uploaded to YouTube; blogs posted on my website, Facebook and LinkedIn!  My content is purposeful; it’s strategic; and it cultivates prospects into buyers!

One more thing … we live in an information overload world …40,000 searches per second on Google.  What your prospects don’t need is information …. They need transformation!  In order to get the transformation for your prospects/clients, they need to engage with you and they need to see the RELEVANCE of your content!!

So how do you create purposeful content that transforms?

Want to know the secret?

What would your business be like if you…

  • Created buzz worthy content that stops the social media scroll
  • Created content that shifted people from consuming free content into buyers without feeling salesy
  • People started paying attention to you and hanging on every word
  • You started seeing loads of engagement and buzz around your content?

You’d feel pretty proud of yourself, wouldn’t you?

And believe me, your bank account would thank you!

The truth is…..

Whether you’ve been scared of selling, so you stopped creating content

Or you feel just plain stuck!

You don’t post enough because you get stuck overthinking

  • Should I
  • Could I
  • What if
  • Nobody
  • Everybody

Well let’s change all of that……

You’re invited to join me and several other super smart business owners for


Where you’ll learn to stop the scroll and captivate your dream client’s mind!

This is for you if you want to implement the most efficient, easiest way to create content that grows your audience, authority and client base!

In just 3 hours, you create an ASSET that fuels growth in your business (or you can choose time sucking activity that costs you clients, clarity, opportunities and sanity).

This Friday will be a game-changer for those who attend and implement!  Will that be you?

Register here!



Friday March 25 from 11am to 2pm join the other super smart marketers to learn the tricks and tips to simplifying your content creation so you can stand out as an authority!!! Register here!


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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