Have you ever wanted to throw your hands up in the air, give up and say, “I’m done with creating content?”.

Well, probably not quite, but I do know that many coaches, consultants and experts feel about the content they create for blogs, Live videos, podcasts, etc.

When it comes to creating content, I’ll bet you’ve often felt:

  • Frustrated because you’ve spent time creating what you thought were amazing posts on social media and you hear crickets – nothing
  • Overwhelmed because you’ve got so much to talk about, but don’t know where to start
  • Or the opposite – overwhelmed by content creation so you don’t do anything
  • Exhausted after spending far too much time creating new content over and over

First – let me tell you that you’re not alone!

It’s a challenge to create content that’s:

  Consistent in messaging
  Consistent to deliver
  Relevant to your prospect
  Relevant to the changing market (because it certainly has changed!)
  Purposeful so that it converts readers/viewers into buyers
  Distinctive in the sense that it sets you up as THE obvious choice.

Over the years, I’ve gone thru several content creation stages – perhaps you have too.

Initially in my business, I would just randomly create content on a variety of topics with no specific purpose or direction. Truthfully, it seemed as though I would pick a topic out of the air on a variety of subjects. I soon learned that this type of content creation didn’t really nurture those prospects I had on my email list and certainly didn’t convert into any sales.

Then I figured out that I needed to create consistent content. While I still randomly chose topics, I consistently created content.  Every week I would write a blog post and publish it (check out my website and you’ll see that I’ve consistently written a weekly blog since 2015).  Then I would scramble to create social media graphics; and couldn’t imagine having a YouTube channel! Although my content was consistent it still wasn’t in any way purposeful (i.e. leading to a sales conversion)!

Then, a lightbulb moment was when I learned that content could be purposeful … in other words, I learned how to create content that actually leads to sales!!! OMG. I learned what type of content my prospects needed to read/listen to BEFORE they actually would make a purchase! Now I was starting to get some sales from my content.

And then, a wise person said… Diana, would you like more sales from your content creation efforts? Of course!

Then this mentor told me that my content would have to change BIG TIME!!!

You see at this point in my content creation journey, my content was consistent, and it was purposeful but it sounded VANILLA! My content was boring because it sounded just like every other marketing or business coaching out there!!! It wasn’t distinctive and it wasn’t thought provoking!  And it didn’t position me as the go-to expert.

That’s when I FINALLY realized that content needed to be all of those things in order to cultivate/nurture my prospects to become my customers! Content needs to be consistent (in timing & message); it needs to be purposeful (leading somewhere) and it needs to be distinctive (unique).

So if you are anything like myself – and find yourself wanting your content to lead to more sales (or as I say – increase your marketing proficiency), then something has to change!

Well now is your chance to change that. That’s why I’m inviting you to Friday’s Content That Converts Bootcamp!!!

Imagine if you had the keys to:

✓  Work smarter (not harder) to create content that positioned you as the obvious choice because your content was distinctive, purposeful and consistent.
✓    Effortlessly help you close more sales (making your marketing so much more proficient).
✓  Quickly batch and then repurpose to eliminate all that last minute scrambling.
✓  Happily posting on social media because you have an endless list of inspirational & motivational questions and quotes curated specifically for your business!

We are almost halfway through 2021!

You have the opportunity to still close more sales and become the obvious choice by creating content that converts for the rest of 2021.

REGISTER HERE: www.dianalidstone.com/shop/contentthatconverts

BONUS: Excel spreadsheet with HUNDREDS of questions & quotes you can immediately use on social media to create engagement, get leads and convert more sales!



P.S. Sharing is caring…. Want to bring a friend along for half price?  Register then send me an email with their name and I will send them a discount code!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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