Summer vacation is time to unwind and relax. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for the last 2 weeks.

However, I will confess I am sneaking some time during this rainy day to write this blog for you and share some insights.

First, I want to let you know that I understand what it feels like to spend time marketing your business and still not get the clients, revenue, or impact that you want! Working hard on your marketing and not getting the results you want is what I call ‘low marketing proficiency’. I’ve been in your shoes – ‘sent that postcard, got that T-shirt’ as they say.  It’s taken me lots of studying plus trial and error to build the successful business that I currently have today – my goal is to save you some of that trial and error so you can build your business faster and more efficiently!

Now I won’t guarantee that just this blog will magically fix your marketing proficiency, but I do know that it will help!

So, if you’ve ever wondered why your marketing doesn’t work as well as you’d hoped or why it costs too much time and/or money perhaps it’s because it doesn’t answer these 3 questions.

There are “3 whys” that your dream clients need to understand before they will finally take out their credit card to work with you.

1.  Why they need your help? They need to be clear on what problem they have or what goal they want to achieve that you can help them with.

2.  Why it’s worth it? Your clients need to be clear on what the benefit is to them in terms of the problems avoided, in time or money saved or benefits gained; and how does that balance with the cost of getting your help?

3.  Why should they choose you? Rather than your competition? Your clients have a perceived notion of where you stand in their mind as compared to your competition. Subconsciously they compare you to other sources that could possibly fix their problem – whether that’s a book, Google, another coach or consultant. (Hint: what makes you appear different in their mind is NOT your years’ experience, or your credentials!)

ACTION:  Have a good honest look at your recent marketing and business communications including website copy, seminars, talks, newsletters, pitches, emails, social media, etc.

Do they really answer these 3 WHYs from your client’s point of view?



If you’d like help to answer the ‘3 Whys’ that your dream clients need to hear, then let’s have a chat. Perhaps some little tweaks could mean all the difference! Book your call here.

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15+ Ways to Position Yourself as the EXPERT
Are You Fighting Your Biggest Competition?

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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