More marketing isn’t the answer to more sales!

The best and fastest way to waste money on marketing is to have an unclear message. An unclear message leads to marketing that doesn’t work i.e. low marketing proficiency.

Unclear, confusing messaging kills sales. But how do you know if your message is unclear?

Most often, you’ll know if your message isn’t hitting home when it’s difficult to get the sales/income, impact or influence that you want.

Perhaps you’re making one or more of these mistakes:

  • Choosing to be clever, instead of unclear.
  • Using jargon or expert-speak to explain what you do; when simple everyday language would actually help people understand.
  • Talking about yourself as opposed to showing how you can help your prospect be more successful?

I hate seeing entrepreneurs and experts make these expensive mistakes – I’ve seen it all too often.

Donald Miller, CEO of Storybrand and author of Marketing Made Simple, says,

When you confuse, you lose!

Using a clear message will always help you win.

Here are 5 spots where the power of clarity will help you win at getting noticed, getting the right clients and most of all, getting profitable:


1.     NETWORKING (online & offline)

How you answer the question “What do you do?” is critical. You need a quick, memorable answer that gets people to pay attention (notice the words – memorable, attention, quick).

You need a compelling message made up of 3 parts:

i.     Your prospect’s problem (unhappy place)
ii.     Your solution to correct that situation
iii.    The success of your client’s experience

Here’s an example:
Business leaders & experts are overwhelmed by marketing decisions — they fear they’re wasting money and missing out on clients. I serve as their strategic guide to prevent “random acts of marketing”. This helps business leaders & experts get noticed, get clients, and get profitable.

I help business leaders just like you write effective Compelling Messaging so you can answer the “what do you do?” question in a way that people will remember and book appointments with you!  Want some of that?

people working on website at Diana Lidstone


2.     WEBSITE

People often laugh when I ask whether their website is making them money?

Is yours?

Although there are several factors that go into a profitable website, but clarity is the key.

Too often business owners spend thousands on a good-looking website that NEVER generates leads or sales. Pretty is nice but it’s the WORDS that make the difference between your site being a pretty brochure or a cash machine.

In order to turn your website into an income generator, readers quickly know:

  • What you sell
  • How it makes their life better
  • How to buy it

I help business leaders and experts write clear, compelling website copy AND strategically organize the sections on your website, so readers become leads and sales are easier to close. That means more profit for your business.



Do you send out an email newsletter? Do you dread writing it?

Email marketing still has the HIGHEST return on investment of almost any marketing – but figuring out what to say can be a real pain.

Having a clear Compelling Message will give you 7 different buckets of content to choose from – transformation, want, problem, authority/empathy, plan, call to action, success and failure!

With your clear, Compelling Message, I help you create a content plan specific to your expertise, industry and client so you’ll never run out of clear and profitable email content that sets you apart from your competition.

woman thinking about social media



Sometimes social media feels like a big waste of time, right? Coming up with relevant and timely content to post can be a big drain on business leaders and experts.

Because marketing is a process of memorization, you might feel as though you’re posting the same thing over and over again.  But there is a way to stay consistent and still offer variety.

Your clear Compelling Message provides both the source material and the guide rails that keep your social media content clear and compelling.

I provide business leaders and experts with a social calendar and on-brand content topics so they can stop guessing about what to post; so they get noticed.


5.     HIRING

While many of you may not be ready to hire employees yet, I do work with many business leaders that are having trouble attracting top talent. If you’re hiring, are you having trouble getting great employees?

It may all be related to your company vision (or as I call it – Big Picture Vision) Why? Because the best employees buy into your Great Big Picture vision! You see, the better the job seeker understands your company, your customers, the transformation you create for your customers, the more they are likely to make an informed decision about applying to your company.

Being clear leads to better applicants.

I apply your clear messaging to your job descriptions and career page so that you attract great talent.

wooden blocks with happy and sad face



How clear is your Compelling Message in these core areas?

Give yourself a quick score:

NETWORKING                                          ⁠❌⁠                    ⁠🚧⁠        ⁠            🏆⁠

WEBSITE                                                  ⁠❌⁠                    ⁠🚧⁠                    ⁠🏆⁠

EMAIL/CONTENT MARKETING               ⁠❌⁠                    ⁠🚧⁠                    🏆⁠

SOCIAL MEDIA                                         ⁠❌⁠                    ⁠🚧⁠                    🏆⁠

HIRING                                                     ⁠❌⁠                    ⁠🚧⁠                    ⁠🏆⁠

Where could you improve? Sometimes just a little tweak can help so that you:

  • Stop wasting money on bad marketing
  • Improve your marketing proficiency
  • Grow your business

That’s what I do.

However, I know that improving your messaging can feel overwhelming when you’re busy wearing all the hats in your business.

Unfortunately, just thinking about implementing won’t get you the results you want.

That’s where I can help.

It’s easy – just:

1.  Schedule a FREE 20-minute call and we’ll talk about your current messaging and where confusion might be holding you back.

2.  If you don’t already have a clear, Compelling Message for your business, we’ll create one. We’ll get to know you and your business, your goals, your customers, the problem you solve for them, how you define success and so much more. Then, we’ll create your clear Compelling Message. This consulting package takes 4-5 weeks to create.  Book a call.

3.  Applying your Compelling Message to your marketing. Together we can create and design a comprehensive marketing plan based on your business goals and your budget. Whether it’s creating the wording for your website, email marketing, content marketing or any other areas of your marketing, all of the pieces will be built around your clear, Compelling Message so you can get noticed, get clients & get profitable. Schedule a call.



P.S. Nothing changes unless you do something different! What will that be?

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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