The first week of October I attended my first business retreat!

It was utterly fantastic and I look forward to hosting my own in the upcoming years!

One of the questions during the retreat was…

I intend to 10X __________________ (fill in the blank).

I already knew my answer …

I’m going to 10X my giving/generosity!

You might ask why?  Well, it comes back to a conversation I had with a successful business intuitive earlier this fall.

She reminded me that in order to receive more, we have to give more.

Now while it’s true I have always given my time (volunteering for various organizations), I now know I have to give more money away (more on this later as plans develop).

But I want to start giving to those who have supported me. I already send out goodies to my new clients but what more could I do?

Here’s how I’m going to give away more of me …

I’ve created a new page on my website entitled ‘GIFTS’ where you can get a ton of FREE SH*T  – click here.

Because I know that many of you are at different stages of your business, I’ve created a page of Gifts for entrepreneurs at different points of their journey.  I intend to keep adding to this page so keep checking back periodically.

You’ll find:

  • A meditation for visualizing the future of your business.
  • A PDF copy of my best-selling book – great for those starting out or a reminder for those who have been in business a while.
  • As well as a special PDF on how to market your business WITHOUT social media (my favorite).

BONUS Discount to attend upcoming – Renew your Passion, Dreams & Desires – a live full day event hosted by Sheri Godfrey and when you register BEFORE October 22, you save 25% – register here 


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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