In November 2022, I asked my podcasting coach for suggestions on how to grow the downloads and engagement of my own podcast. His answer caused me to immediately think — Why didn’t I think of that?


It seemed so logical!

It seemed like an obvious answer to my question.

It was as the kids say – a ‘duh’ moment.

The answer to my question reminded me of my live events! One of the most popular parts of those live events was when I hosted the ‘hot seat coaching’ section.  YUP – live on stage, a brave business owner would come up, sit on the stool beside me and ask me to solve one problem in her business that was keeping her stuck.  Right then and there, using my flip chart, I would map out a strategy for her to make a shift!

The responses were outstanding!

Participants cried, smiled, and hugged me.  The audience clapped and became totally engaged in the process.

WHY?  Because they were experiencing… ‘why didn’t I think of that’!

When I started doing these ‘hot seat coaching’ sessions, I was scared out of my mind! I didn’t know if I could give the participants the answers and strategies they wanted or needed.  Their response was all I needed to know that I had given value.

Fast forward to my conversation with the podcasting coach.  What was his answer?

His answer to improving downloads and engagement of my podcast was to offer ‘hot seat coaching’ sessions LIVE on my podcast.  Of course – I had done this before, just in a different venue.  Why didn’t I think of that! 

This week, the first of those sessions are live on my podcast.

I’ve made the commitment that the last week of each month, I will call it Coaching Week and we will release 2-3 of these interviews which are called Profit Potential Audit interviews.

To help you understand these short interviews, I’ve recorded a short explanatory episode (# 75 here).

Then I asked two of my current Business Accelerator clients to help me test drive the format in these first two episodes (here and here).

For you, my loyal reader and listener, it is my intention that these Profit Potential Audits will provide you with:

  • Confidence that you aren’t alone when you hear both problems and solutions that another entrepreneur is experiencing.
  • ‘Why didn’t I think of that’ tip or strategy you might be able to implement in your business.
  • Introduction to a possible new connection as the interviewee shares about their business.

If you’d like to share about your business on my podcast AND have a ‘why didn’t I think of that’ moment, please apply here for a Profit Potential Audit.



  • Episode #75 – Profit Potential Journey (here)
  • Episode #76 – Profit Potential Audit: Carl Richards (here)
  • Episode #77 – Profit Potential Audit: Chantal McIntyre (here)
Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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