“I’m so busy” are 3 little words that we often say in response to:

  • How are you?
  • How is business?
  • Can you attend my _____?
  • And so many other things.

So why do we give that answer?

Why is busyness causing stress that often leads to burnout?

According to a study by Harvard, we actually experience stress caused by work-life conflict. In other words, we subconsciously want to spend more time with family and friends but there are pressures on us to be busy and that creates stress, guilt and shame.

In this week’s Work Less PROFIT More podcast episode, I share 7 different reasons/myths that might be the cause of your ‘busyness’.  Once we know the ‘cause’, then it’s so much easier to address how to change our behaviour and reduce busyness.

What I know to be true – after 10 years working with clients – is that significant changes to how you work, why you overwork etc. don’t come from productivity apps, productivity journals or the 5 AM club.

When we answer those questions with “I’m so busy” we are buying into the society’s culture of hustle. I call this wearing the ”Badge of Busyness”! Too often our culture rewards this hustle and busyness. One simple way to relieve the stress of busyness is to just STOP saying that you’re busy!

As I mentioned, in episode 85, I’ll continue to explore these common reasons and myths around this pride in overworking yet secretly wishing we could spend more time with family and friends. Listen here.

Next week, I’ll be dropping 5 new episodes, in a new PODCAST workshop series entitled Ultimate Focus & Freedom: How to reclaim 10+ hours a week in your agenda without hiring a new team member.

There’s a free workbook you can download here so you can follow along to create your own plan to dramatically reduce your workload!

Imagine what you could do with another 10+ hours per week in your schedule?

You could experience more what?

More time with your children…
More time travelling…
More time to work out…
More time ___________?


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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