Tips & Strategies to
Are You Fighting Your Biggest Competition?
Jeanette was a seasoned business owner. In a little over 10 years, her business had grown to multiple 7-figures! And yet, she was struggling. Her sales had flatlined; and her business was dependent on one very large client. She was worried. Each time she explained...
By Far the Best Way to Get Amazing Clients Consistently
If you’ve been a business owner for any length of time, you understand that there isn’t just ONE factor that contributes to the success of your business! There are generally several ingredients to success including strategies like having a clear vision for what...
7 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Small Business in a Noisy Marketplace
Small businesses have so many marketing challenges. Perhaps one of the biggest challenges is determining what makes your business stand out from the competition – and get noticed! Being able to differentiate your business and to communicate your distinctiveness is...
How to Stop Wasting Time on Marketing That Doesn’t Work?
Have you ever wanted to throw your hands up in the air, give up and say, “I’m done with creating content?”. Well, probably not quite, but I do know that many coaches, consultants and experts feel about the content they create for blogs, Live videos, podcasts, etc....
Good News – Bad News
There is a secret … to getting ready for more clients and more sales. There is a secret to getting prospects to say, “I want to buy from you”. And that secret has nothing to do with them! And that secret is both good news and bad news! The secret is being more...
5 Powerful & Proven Ways to Get More Clients Online
To ‘get clients online’ is the holy grail of most small business owners these days. Everybody wants it, but few are able to do it effectively (and even fewer can do it whip-smart and with style!). Adding to the mystery, the online world seems to change more often than...
Finding Your Comfort Zone Along the Road to Small Business Success
The road to ‘Successville’ can be winding, filled with potholes, endless roundabouts, detours and even roadblocks. The journey also requires determination, perseverance and of course, a few skills. It also requires us to take risks … to get comfortable being...
The One Word My Mother Won’t Allow Us to Say
As we were growing up, my sister, my brother and I knew that there was one word we were forbidden to say. While it was perfectly understood that there was to be no swearing, my mother would remind us that ‘there’s no such word as _____”. Whether it was when we gave...
Is Your Success Inevitable?
For research for a chapter in a book I’m writing, I’ve been asking business owners of ALL sizes to share with me their thoughts on the #1 thing that holds entrepreneurs back from achieving their next level of success. So I’ll ask you. What do you think is the biggest...
Would you rather…
In my youth, I begged my parents to let me take piano lessons. And eventually, they gave in. They found me a 2nd hand piano for practice. I was so excited the day it was delivered. Then they found a piano teacher!!! The teacher came to our home and said to my parents,...