I remember years ago how I put my business on hold because in my mind … nobody’s doing business over the summer! WRONG

When I went back to networking in the fall and realized that I had lost so much business to my competition. I was really mad at myself for allowing myself to think that way.

Here’s five simple things you can do to make your business better and ready for the fall!

1.    Create marketing content to use later. The number one excuse I hear from small business owners is that they don’t have time to create content! Well now’s your chance!!! Depending on your content style, you may want to create a series of videos, produce a series of articles, start a podcast or even finish writing your book. Even after social distancing disappears, these resources will pay you big dividends!

2.    Audit and update your website. Could your website be improved? Is your messaging accurate? Products still up to date? Is your ‘lead magnet’ still bringing you leads (do you even know?)?

3.    Call clients, past clients, referral sources. Reaching out and asking current and past clients how they are doing shows that you care. Invest in these key relationships as they are the lifeblood of your business. You have the time and so do they.

4.    Launch an email newsletter. Email newsletters are by far one of the easiest and most cost-effective marketing tactics available to business owners. Don’t have one – start one this summer!

5.    Collect testimonials from previous work. Testimonials provide your marketing with credibility and authority. We all want more of them, but it often takes time to collect them – especially if we don’t have a system for doing it. No better time than now to collect testimonials and a great ‘excuse’ for connecting with past clients.

***BONUS *** Create a REAL marketing plan. The purpose of any marketing plan is to generate leads (prospects). In today’s busy and noisy world, if you don’t have a real marketing plan with a sales funnel, it’s likely that your business will have trouble surviving – never mind thriving in this new economy. THAT’S WHAT I DO!

Schedule a Marketing Acceleration Session with me today here – and let’s create a plan to simplify your marketing to grow your business so you don’t have to ‘wing it’ anymore!

Don’t waste this time – it’s the gift you and your business have been waiting for.



Did you miss these?
Content – https://dianalidstone.com/blog/2020/04/06/5-easy-ways-to-simplify-your-content/
Website – https://dianalidstone.com/blog/2019/02/26/8-ways-to-ensure-your-website-makes-a-great-1st-impression/
Sales – https://dianalidstone.com/blog/2018/07/17/sure-fire-website-secrets-for-ongoing-sales/

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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