What’s your top priority for growing your business for 2019?

If you’re like most of the ambitious entrepreneurs I work with, you want to find a consistent stream of perfect clients and convert them into paying clients (so you can …. travel more, earn a full-time income from your business, pay down debt, etc.)

You’re out there taking all kinds of action but it’s not happening.  Or perhaps you’re not even sure what action to take!  I totally understand.

So if you want to take your business from HUSTLE to PROFIT, then there is one simple step you must take!


Not only do you need to nail your niche – get more specific, narrow in on your target customer.  But you need to CLAIM IT!!! (shout it from the roof tops).

My friend Dan Murray is a coach but not just any coach; he has a very specific niche – a ‘restoraton’ coach!  He created this video while on holidays and it’s the inspiration for today’s blog.


If you try to help everyone; you help no one!  You’ve heard this saying so many times before and yet the ‘nurturer’ in you wants to help everyone!  I get it … but the truth is that by trying to help everyone, you are hurting yourself and your clients.

You’re hurting your clients because by being a generalist you can’t go deep to really give them a deeper transformation.

You’re hurting yourself because by being a generalist you aren’t being perceived as an expert and therefore aren’t being paid like an expert either!

So how do you ‘nail your niche’?

If you’re just starting out in business,  or even if you’ve been in business for a while — don’t do another client avatar!  Although knowing your client’s education level, industry and favorite movies is important – that’s just demographics.

You want to get into their HEAD – psychographics!  What do they care about?  What are their worries & concerns?  What do they lie awake at night worrying about or wishing they had?  What’s that ‘holy grail’ they want?

And I’m going to suggest something that’s a little contrary!  I’m going to suggest that you look inward – at your own life experiences, your own strengths, and what you do effortlessly.  That’s what I call your DNA – distinct natural advantage!

While understanding your dream client is great – the other side of the puzzle is about what you can offer them (that comes from inside you).

And …. Drum roll … it’s often VERY difficult to see our own magic!

That’s why I offer a session called Discover your DNA!  You’ll walk away with your niche nailed as well as concrete results that you offer your clients.  Everything you need to get heard out in the noisy market place including some words to use in your Pitch that Pays (elevator pitch).

If you’re sure you’ve nailed your niche, then congratulations!  Check your website and other marketing material – make sure every single word of your copy includes the language of your specific dream client.  This includes your opt-in, your newsletter, your social media posts!  That’s when you’ll really start to get some traction!

How do you know when you’ve nailed your niche?

You know it when you pass the – lean in – test!   YUP, people are leaning in to hear more about what you have to say!

Will you take this one-step action?  Can you nail your niche?



OTHER articles on nailing your niche or D.N.A.

WANT HELP to nail your niche?  Discover Your D.N.A.  is private session with Diana!  Once you’ve registered here, she will send you a workbook!  Complete the workbook, send it back; book a time slot.  Simple as 1-2-3.  You & Diana will spend an hour or so with her getting clear on your niche!  Then you’ll go out and test it in the marketplace; and then schedule a quick follow up call with her to tweak it some more!  Interested???  Register here!  My April Gift – this session is now on sale for $197 for the month of APRIL!

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