Each morning I listen to Darren Hardy’s tip – a simple 3-5 minute tip for an exceptional life.  Yesterday, his question was “How to produce more time & money”?

Yah right I said!

However, like anything else he talks about – it was just perfect!

The essence of his talk was that we all have 24 hours in a day; 1440 minutes in a day and 525,600 minutes in year.  Those individuals that are very successful have the same amount of time as those who earn less than $50,000.

So what is different?

It’s WHERE they spend their time!

Now I’m not going to talk about whether you watch 4 hours of television every evening or an hour of cat videos on Facebook.

Where are you spending your time in your business?

No matter what type of business you have, it seems that there are generally 5 core entrepreneurial tasks: administrative & operations; customer service; client fulfillment; marketing & sales; and business growth & development.

Now here’s the good stuff …….. as a small business owner, where are you splitting up your time in your business?

Many entrepreneurs are spending the majority of their time on administration & operations.  As a result, because they aren’t generating enough leads/prospects to build a predictably profitable business; and they find themselves with little or no cashflow; in feast or famine mode; or working so hard, they are burnt out.

However someone with a CEO mindset spends the majority of their time on marketing & sales!  This way the business generates leads/prospects; which convert to clients; which then means more money in the business to invest to pay for someone else to do the administration & operations.

That’s why it’s so important to monitor WHERE you spend your time.  Are you focused on the right type of activities that are generating sales (or at least sales conversations).

Depending on your stage of business growth, your marketing & sales activities might include but not limited to: networking (online, in person, formal, informal, etc.);  speaking (live, podcast interviews, webinars, workshops, etc.);  cultivating the know-like-trust factor with email marketing; inviting people to your Strategy/Enrolment Sessions;  etc.

Another core entrepreneurial task often over looked is business growth and development.  This is what I call ‘putting on your CEO hat’ and being the visionary leader.  Activities might include creating your 90-day plan; journaling about how to 10x your business; taking a course that will directly improve your marketing for your current stage of business growth, etc.

Admin activities could include: answering emails, making documents pretty, creating social media posts, posting on social media, bookkeeping, making website amendments, etc.  In other words, anything that isn’t within your zone of genius (or your Distinctive Natural Advantage).

So – where are you going to be spending your time?  You won’t create any more time but if it’s spent wisely, the way you spend your time will have a HUGE impact on making more money!

If you’d like to put on your CEO hat for one day, join me for CEO Planning Retreat tomorrow!  Last chance to work with me for the day virtually to create your 90-day plan so you won’t lose momentum over the summer and so you’ll be ready to launch & take off in the fall.  I know you want to rock your 2019 goals!!!

Ready …. Go here to enroll right now!

Till then … BE UNSTOPPABLE!!!


Missed these?
Promote Yourself to CEO (here) 
Glorified Employee & stages of business growth (here)
Increase your odds of achieving your goals by 95% (here)
Secret Weapon to achieving your goals (here)

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