About two weeks ago, I asked my FB tribe what they didn’t like about networking?  The majority of the people who answered explained that they were nervous about walking into a room of people they didn’t know.  I heard from some who had a meditation they used before attending; others who would go with a buddy; and others who just cringed at the thought of walking into a room of strangers.

(And here I thought that the biggest challenge was going to be that they had to stand up and give an ‘elevator pitch’.  Hahaha – what did I know!)

This aha moment made me realize that a technique I learned many years ago might help you when you just don’t know what to say to a stranger!!  This little secret has helped me over and over again – whether it was at corporate cocktail parties with my husband or at networking events!

I want to share this secret with you!!!

I don’t remember who taught me this secret but over the years, it has helped me time & time again to hold conversations with complete strangers.

Here it is…. It’s called FORM.  If you can remember these 4 letters and what they stand for – you’ll never be at a loss for words!

F          Family, children, fur babies – you know….
Ages, schools, favourite things to do.

O         Occupation – what sort of work do you do; does your husband do?
When did you start your current business?
Why did you start it?
If you weren’t doing what you do now – what would you do?

R        Recreation – inquire about sports, vacations, favourite things to do when not working.

M        Motivation – is this your first time at this event?
Why did you come to this event?
What do you hope to gain from attending?

Just remember the acronym FORM and you’ll be in good form in any room, with anybody – cocktail hour or networking!!

Of course – practice, practice, practice.



P.S. Head over to Facebook group  (SHIFT YOUR BIZ)  for weekly TUESDAY Trainings – last week – 10 Tips for a Better Business Card  

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